
Singapore's flag
Asia » Singapore
February 6th 2006
Published: February 12th 2006
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Our room in Singapore.Our room in Singapore.Our room in Singapore.

We were in shared accomadation, but had our own little room to sleep!!
Singapore is by far the best place we've been to so far!
We arrived early on the 3rd of Feb after 16 hours of travelling to get there. The airport is amazing and everything is spotlessly clean. We got to our accomadation 'sleepy sams' pretty quickly as our cab driver was really good and even talked ud through everything we should be doing during our stay and whens best to do it, we were really lucky cos it was the chinesse new year so there was loads of festival things going on the weekend we were there.
Our accomadation was shared dorms and bathroom and stuff but we had our own tiny bedroom which literally was just a matress on the floor but seperated from everyone else so it was nice.
We met a guy called Ben who was also staying at Sleepy Sams so we all went to find some food. That evening we went to the Chingay Parade which took up the whole main street. It was loads of floats and dancers and went on the whole night.
The next day me, Dan and Ben went to the Singapore zoo. The zoo had loads of animals and all really
Us and the locals!Us and the locals!Us and the locals!

Me and Dan at Singapore night safari with some of the guys!!
close, not caged or behind loads of bars. The monkeys were just romeing around and one even came right up to us and Ben and Dan touched it, i kept my distance, sensibley i thought, as they were wild animals, but Dan loves monkeys!!
Just across the road was the night safari which was also really good. We watched a nocturnal animal show then alittle train took us around the zoo in the dark while our guide told us abit about the animals that were spot lighted, rhinos, elephants, white tigers, deer, giraffes ect, ect.
The zoo was great and then we got dropped off again on the main street where the parade was going on for another night.
The next day we went to Sentosa island which is like a large theme park which you just jump on and off buses to see different attractions like the merlion, which is a large stone stature you can climb, or the aqua world which had sharks and loads of other massive fish and we went on the cable cars above the island and over Singapore harbour. After we left the island we went in search off some electrical goodies for Dan
Em and a bunch of Baboons.Em and a bunch of Baboons.Em and a bunch of Baboons.

Me and Dan at the zoo.
as there was loads of shops. Hours later we emerged. I had lost the will to live but Dan had pulled a good deal so was pleased.

We both wished we had, had longer in Sigapore but we managed to squeeze alot in, in the time we had.
Next was an early start to Australia.

P.S Ben, if you are reading this website then can you leave us your email cos we didnt get a chance to catch you before you left. Hope you've decided where your going and actually got somewhere!!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8



U-rang-u-tang. (no idea how to spell that!)Loads of cool animals at the zoo.
Dan getting friendly with a monkey!Dan getting friendly with a monkey!
Dan getting friendly with a monkey!

Dan getting close to one of the natives.

The new Beckett signing.
Such a flirt!Such a flirt!
Such a flirt!

Trying it on with anyone!!
Flower festival.Flower festival.
Flower festival.

Me standing by a wall of flowers in celebration of the chinesse new year.

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