Goodbye England hello Singapore !!!

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Asia » Singapore
November 6th 2007
Published: November 10th 2007
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Goodbye England !!!!!Goodbye England !!!!!Goodbye England !!!!!

One last photo in old blighty !!!!
Well we're finally here !!!! we've just actually left Singapore and arrived in Borneo but as we didn't get chance to go on the tinternet here's a quick update.

Everythings all gone smoothly so far Singapore is a really nice city it's unbelievable how clean it is !!! There's literally no litter or graffitti, probably because you get fined thousands for doing either !!! We've been very busy over the last few days the zoo has definately got to be the highlight though !!! If I manage to get some photo's uploaded you should be able to see why. Any way I had just wrote a small novel to put on here but the internet connection was lost and so was the blog !!! So therefore I'm gonna cut to the chase and try and upload some pics !!!! Next stop Borneo !!!!

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Photos: 14, Displayed: 14


Hello Singapore !!!Hello Singapore !!!
Hello Singapore !!!

My first beer, mmmmm
Singapore's very own bullring !!!!Singapore's very own bullring !!!!
Singapore's very own bullring !!!!

You can take the boy out of Birmingham ........

11th November 2007

Hi Both, Glad to see you both arrived safely, it looks so fantastic out there! Take care and look forward to hearing about your travels x x
15th November 2007

God it is really wierd seeing the pictures of you over there. Forgot to warn you to be careful of the mouse deer in Singapore Zoo. I got scratched in their enclosure!! Vicious little thing!! Trust Richard to be at home in the zoo!!! Looking forward to your next update. Love Jane xxxxxxxxx

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