Mysterious Danny Bergman & $25 dolla Singapore slings in Raffels hotel

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Asia » Singapore
August 5th 2007
Published: October 17th 2007
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To 2008

2 Singapore Dollars to 1Euro
Pop - 4 million

3.5 hrs flight from Bali we arrived into Singapore, I left the girls again where I met up with the mysterious Danny Bergman AKA Damooo who has a chronic fear of being googalable.

I was being treated to a 5 star hotel for my stay in Singapore and believe me it was seriously welcomed after the places I had stayed in Indonesia.

Caught up on all the goings on over the last 12 months over a tiger beer and some local food from the packed food courts on the streets of Singapore, was great to see a familiar face from home.

Singapore is a beautiful super super modern city, alot more expensive than I had imagined, myself and Damo did the usual touristy things, merlion Statue, raffels hotel which I was seriously looking forward to.

Had the infamous singapore sling at Raffels Hotel...had more then we should have as the drinks are 25 Sing dollars each...the hotel where we had the drinks was very Indiana Jones style and riding high on the whole Singapore Sling (things to do before you die).

Night life was expensive and non existant... and it wasn't from the lack of trying that we didn't find any!!

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Boat QuayBoat Quay
Boat Quay

Where Danny met your man that knew his stuff

poor crabs!

Murloin at Night

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