Singing Poorly in Singapore!

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Asia » Singapore
July 26th 2005
Published: July 27th 2005
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The rain didn't put us off going to Sentosa, an island to the south of Singapore, even though we were planning to go to the beach, because there's plenty else to do (and we had our trusty brollies!) We caught the cable car over from Harbour Front (even I was scared it was so high and Pauline told us about the time a really tall ship broked the cable after we were in) and the fee to get onto the island is included. It's a crazy resort type island with lots of attractions and man made beaches.
We went to the underwater world first - Pauline fed the giant turtles and dave gave us another guided tour. I tried out some bbq chicken steamed rolls - one type of dim sum I hadn't managed to try but it tasted more like fig doughnut. We all had a delifrance and then caught the bus to the dolphin lagoon where we saw a show with pink dolphins (although still glad we've seen them in the wild as well). Lots of somersaults and hoops later, went to cinemania - a cinema where you sit in seats that move so it tilts forward as the screen shows you going down a rollercoater etc, a few bruises later went to volcanoland which was rubbish. No but it was rubbish. Went up the revolving sky tower and had another Singapore Sling. Then the enchanted forest of tembusa was dave's indulgence.
For dinner went to the southern most tip of continental asia (apparently it's included because it has a bridge linking it). Had hainanese chicken rice, the local stape and went to the musical fountain for the evening show. This was absolutely brilliant - the fountains must have gone 10m high and did lots of patterns in time to music. Then they did a laser show including cartoon characters projected onto a wall of water and fireballs. Finally another larger Merlion which is behind the fountain (which you can climb) had lasers coming out of it's eyes! Very cool!
Caught the cable car home and met up again at a spanish themed kareoke bar after getting changed (didn't need the shoes in the end - doh!) Met pauline's mum and dad and her dad's friend that Pete is staying with. Took us a while to get up to the same lack of embarrassment level as everyone else but evetually were persuaded to sing California Dreaming and Always, followed by a horrendous rendition of Especially For You and a fantastic one of Can You Feel The Love Tonight. Pete stole the show with You've Lots That Loving Feeling. Home about 1 even though I think it was open till about 3 - I think we'd chased everyone away with our singing!


29th July 2005

.....doesn't sound like a patch on 'Ocean Park' :-)

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