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Asia » Singapore
November 9th 2006
Published: November 10th 2006
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Cable car rideCable car rideCable car ride

The view from our private car as we peacefully glided towards Sentosa Island. The view were really good (but our temp. camera didn't pick them out well!).
We left the airport in Singapore at about midnight and found a hostel where we spent the night. In the morning we got up pretty early and got a bus through the city. The scenery is a total contrast to the huge limestone rocks that we were looking at the day before. The buildings are amazing-huge and ulra-modern. It's like being in a giant contemporary art gallery! It's hard to believe we're less than two hours from Thailand, it's just so different. It's strange being on a bus and hearing the people chatting in English!

We got a cable car to another island, called Sentosa, which is just off Singapore. The views were great from above. The island itself is just full of tourist attractions but there's a nice beach, and the southern most point of continental Asia is on the island. We went to some orchid gardens there too-there were just so many different types and they were so tall-some were about 3m!

We went to a shopping mall called Vivo City after Sentosa. It was just unreal. It was brand new and at least 50 times bigger than Chapelfield. There are hundreds of malls here. The shopping
Singapore by nightSingapore by nightSingapore by night

A quick snap taken on our new camera as we were about to catch the train to the airport.
is awesome.

Singapore is just so diverse. On the journey to our next hostel we went from being surrounded by shiny hi-tech buildings and lights with all writting in English to being in the middle of China Town where the buildings were small and painted with chinese pictures and symbols. Then we went a bit further and came to Little India,where we stayed. This again was completely different, with curry houses and everyone wearing saris. We had a really nice Indian meal and looked around the Indian markets.

The next day we went on the underground to lChina Town for lunch-v.nice! The underground here is so different to London-it is spotless and has aircon for one thing! Olly went to the doctor's in China Town (in a shopping mal of course!) because he was bitten by a mosquito about a week ago and it's really infected-his whole lower arm and elbow is really swolen. We spent the rest of the afternoon shopping and looking around before going to the airport ready to fly to Sydney.

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thats why I look so happy to be in this pic. So, all orchid-lovers, marvel at the tall orchids.
Palewan BeachPalewan Beach
Palewan Beach

One of the lovely tropical beaches on Sentosa, right near the southern-most point in Asia.
My idolMy idol
My idol

By the end of our adventure I want to look like him.

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