Last 2 days - Thamel

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Asia » Nepal
January 6th 2010
Published: January 6th 2010
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So...let's see..where to begin. I am living at the hostel this week with 5 other volunteers..Rachel from Australia 24, Diogo from Brazil 24, Colln from S. Africa 20, Therese from Sweden 21 and Christine from Sweden 68! I have hit it off with Collin and Rachel. We are all doing Nepali culture and language classes together in the morning and then we have after lunch free. On the first day Rachel, Christine and I went out exploring in the area around our hostel. We took about a 2 hour walk and saw a cow lying in rubbish, many many shops an a great deal of smog. We went and had momos at a restaurant - which later made us sick. At night i just read. The next da (tues) we had class in the morning and then we were going to try to make it to the indoor rock climbing place but instead ended up in Thamel. It was Rachel. Diogo, Collin and I. We actually braved the Nepali bus there. It wasn't too bad and only cost 10 rupees. Thamel is the touristy area in Khatmandu. We saw temples and lots of neat shops. I was excited to see the first grocery store (more like a local market) since I have been here. It actually had toilet paper and tampons..2 things you cannot find around here! We just looked around and then went and had a drink at Rum Doodle. We then took a taxi back. Now it is Wed and my exciting plans for the day are..get photos for visa..immigration office, hot shower and english movie house!!! The whole group is going for the movies. I am beggining to feel sick a cold..not to my stomach..although that is not so great either. Adjusting here is gonna be hard...I hope i can last the 3 months!!!


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