October 12, Dingboche, 4410 m

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October 12th 2017
Published: October 22nd 2017
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October 12, Dingboche

Today is a rest day. Since we climbed 2000 ft yesterday, a day of rest is in order.
One of our group has a thermometer and measured a low of -13C this night. No wonder the toilet breaks at night are so cold. But this cold temperature also meant clear skies, so the mountain views revealed in the morning were outstanding.
I started the morning with my down jacket but by 8 am when we left it was no longer needed. We hiked up 300 vertical meters and the mountain views were incredible. Lots of videos and photos were taken.
We were back by 11. Seb and I went to a bakery and we shared a doughnut, very greasy.
After lunch our group went shopping. The ladies helped me select a warm togue which matched my eyes.
Seb who had been sick in the morning bought some Diomox pills and he said he noticed a difference after one pill. No doctor is required here to prescription medications.
Lunch was outside, with huge mountains for a backdrop. The sun was intense and I felt I was getting burnt through my merino wool top.
The rest of the group went to watch the movie Everest but I wanted to stay out and experience the village. I walked to a spot about 100 m above the valley and just watched, mountains, farmers, yaks, tourists and just tried to absorb the scenery.
Then walked through town, talked to locals trying to get a helicopter ride to Lukla and watched a farmer get his yaks ready for night.
Supper was at 6:30. Lots of good discussion as our group is really becoming cohesive.
By 9 I was the last one up, another early night.


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