Blogs from Himalayas, Nepal, Asia - page 3


Asia » Nepal » Himalayas October 21st 2014

Blog Entry 12 On Saturday our Senior Guide Giri sent our most Junior Guide Prem down to a lower village to sort some things for our final descent ... this fact will become important later in the bog. After our Ascent to Gokyo Ri on Saturday, the weather turned, engulfing the Khumbu Valley in yet another October blizzard. During the whiteout, we were talking about our descent (which was scheduled to commence the following morning) and John commented that "with all this snow and ice its going to be tough getting up that step hill between here and Marchemo." "That steep hill?" we inquired, "what steep hill?" John went on to insist that "there is that one really steep stretch of trail and its protected from the sun so it will be icy as all get ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas October 20th 2014

Before we begin our trek back to Lukla, we thought we would share some thoughts and observations from the top of the world. In no particular order ... In the Himalaya, everything ... absolutely everything ... is transported up the mountain valleys without the use of the internal combustion engine ... that is ... on foot. Yaks or Sherpa carry everything needed to sustain civilization (food, water, fuel, plywood, two by fours and even beer). During the day, there is near constant traffic up narrow trails to the higher villages and trekkers have to get out of the way of these pre-industrial caravans. In addition, because transportation is so labor intensive (or Yak intensive) , things get more expensive the higher up you go. For example, a liter of water that is $1 in Namche Bazaar ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas October 18th 2014

Blog Entry 9 Today the Madison Nepal Group (and two Aussies) ascended to Gokyo Ri. We were up a 4:30, and at 5:00 we turned on our headlamps and trekked into the darkness. For the next 2.5 hours we climbed slowly but steadily up the trail to Gokyo Ri. Now when we say "trail" we mean that in the loosest sense. When considering a "trail" high in the Himalaya forget everything you think you know about hiking trails and instead envision a narrow snow covered goat path (or in this case yak path) that goes nearly straight up 2,000 feet, with nary a switchback. IT WAS TOUGH! About 6:00 the sun began to rise, creating an eerie backdrop to our ascent ... coal black mountains framed in early morning light. By 7:30 we reached our goal ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas October 16th 2014

Blog Entry 7. So here's the deal. When we started talking about this trip, we selected the month of October for our journey because October is dry in the Himalaya ... that is ... of course ... unless there is a cyclone in the Indian Ocean (when is the last time YOU worried about the weather in the Indian Ocean?). Anyway, there is a cyclone and it is impacting the weather here in the Himalaya. On day two and day three of the trek we had rains and were all concerned because big chunks of our limited wardrobes were soaked. Luckily, on day four we awoke to clear sunny skies and it has been nice ever since. Our gear has dried out and sunscreen is essential ... beautiful weather. But we are still dealing with the ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas October 15th 2014

This is going to be a short blog. There was an avalanche in Nepal that killed many trekkers. The avalanche did not affect us and WE ARE ALL ALIVE AND WELL.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas October 15th 2014

If you have not read Blog Entry 5, but have heard about the accident/avalanche in Nepal (apparently 50-60 people may be dead) we want to assure everyone that we are all fine. The accident was not near us. That being said, let's try to catch everyone up. Needless to say Internet access has been sketchy and band width is a problem (so don't expect a lot of photos). Three days ago we met Adam and Susie, two Australians who joined our team. Adam is an industrial electrician and Susie is a nurse-midwife and they were married just over a week ago (insert your own "they said it wouldn't last" joke). Adam and Susie are fantastic and we are glad to have them along. For the record, even though the rooms at the tea houses have two ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas April 15th 2014

Tag 1: 3328 Stufen bis zum Ziel Fast hätte ich doch noch einen Trekkingpartner gefunden. Als ich gestern Abend nur schnell um die Ecke im chinesischen Restaurant etwas kleines Essen wollte und so allein an meinem Tisch sitze, spricht mich mein Tischnachbar Chris aus England an, der ebenfalls alleine isst, ob ich ihm nicht Gesellschaft leisten will. Eigentlich wollte ich wirklich nur schnell und nur eine Kleinigkeit essen aber er scheint nett zu sein und so bestelle ich nach seiner Empfehlung viel zu viel Essen (aber gut!) und wir unterhalten uns prächtig bis wir gegen halb elf aus dem Lokal geworfen werden. Ich habe nicht mal die Hälfte meines Essens geschafft aber der nette Kellner packt es mir für morgen als Snack in Zeitungspapier ein. Chris ist eine ganze Weile in Pokhara und wollte auch irgendwann ... read more
Kinder auf dem Weg
Impressionen von Tag 1
Impressionen von Tag 1

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas April 15th 2014

Tag 3: Sonnenaufgang über einem 8000er Schon seit 04.00 Uhr höre ich die Chinesen im Haus herumstapfen, sich die größte Mühe gebend, dass sie nicht zu leise sind und sehe die Lichter ihrer Stirnlampen im Flur vor meiner Zimmertür herumgeistern. Hier im ersten Stock unseres Gasthauses gibt es nämlich keinen Strom. Ich krieche also auch langsam aus meinen 5 Schichten Schlafgarnitur und ziehe mich an. Um 04.45 Uhr starten wir im Stockdunkeln - und weder Khel noch ich haben im Gegensatz zu allen anderen Menschen eine Taschenlampe. Die ersten Meter gehen wir also im erbärmlichen Display-Licht seines Neunziger-Jahre-Handys aber dann stoßen von allen möglichen Ecken Menschen mit Stirnlampen auf den Weg, die uns den Aufstieg erleichtern. Nach etwa 40 Minuten haben wir den Gipfel des Poonhill auf 3260 m ( Ein Hill ist hier übrigens alles ... read more
Schnee im April
Kleines Mädchen in einer Siedlung am Wegesrand

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas April 11th 2014

Friday 11th April. Those of you from work, reading this, will know that I wanted to kiss an elephant. It’s not possible. At Bardia National Park, I didn’t go with the group on the Safari. I stayed back a the camp. Instead, I went a walk to the local temple and went to meet the elephants at the breeding centre. Santa, a guide at the camp, took me on the village walk in the morning. I don’t know, we left about 7am and wandered about 2km through the local area to the small temple. The whole place seemed too good to be true. The kids were playing in the rivers, pigs and cows grazed freely, women collected leaves in the early morning light to make leaf bowls, people worked in the fields, there were thatched mud ... read more
my bed - bardia
gorgeous Valentine
Valentine playing

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas November 4th 2013

Hi guys, five more days then off to Everest base camp. Hope I have got all the correct gear now. So excited. Will put some more stuff on this spot soon. Edith... read more

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