En route to Thailand

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Asia » Malaysia
January 8th 2004
Published: February 28th 2006
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A last minute backpacking trip to Thailand with my dear sister, Vivienne. We had plans on going to either Tioman Island, Malaysia or Thailand. She has never visited Thailand and so we settled on it. A new adventure awaits. Plus, I’ll be able to spend some quality time with my sister, so it’s a double blessing.
Depart from Golden Mile Complex (Singapore) at around 7pm. We took a coach ride which will arrive in Hatyai/Haddyai, Thailand in approximately 14 hours’ time. It will be a long, body-aching ride to Thailand, not something a very prone to motion-sickness me is going to like. Ouch...
This is a wonderful chance for a getaway of course, the old me would have said no and stayed on in Singapore for the rest of my summer break. So perhaps it was from the spur of a brand new year. You know, brand new year - new hope, new beginnings.

< The long bus ride was a back-breaking and body-aching experience, but kind of refreshing for the soul. Looking up, into the dark sky - occasionally clear, sometimes cloudy. Spotted Orion’s belt, the only constellation I know. The moon shone brightly in the sky, a mysterious aura surrounding it. It’s 3rd day after the full moon, the moon looking absolutely radiant. Bright moon in the dark sky - mesmerising and beautiful. Rode pass some plain, barren fields with nothing but the lights of the moon and the stars, a slight mist rising over the fields. The sight was simply breathtaking. A hauntingly, beautiful feeling about it. The stars remind me of the sky in Perth. Missing Perth somehow. >

From Singapore, the coach drove northwards through Malaysia and into Thailand. I know we definitely passed by Kuala Lumpur by recognising the iconic Petronas Twin Tower. The coach left Malaysia from the Kedah checkpoint and entered Thailand through the Sadao checkpoint. From Sadao, it drove for about another half hour plus before we arrived in Hatyai (8.45am - Singapore Time; 7.45am Thailand Time).


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