Days 4 - 7 - Tioman Island

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Asia » Malaysia
June 9th 2008
Published: June 11th 2008
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We ended up staying Melaka just one night; we were yearning for a tropical beach. The next stop was Tioman Island right off the coast of Malaysia and a popular vacation destination for both Malaysians and Singaporians.

When we arrived it was pouring rain! Nonetheless, the island was gorgeous and we vowed to stay there until we had a sunny day. We rented a small hut in which we could see the ocean from our little "front porch."

It rained the second day as well, but we didn't let that stop of us snorkeling. I had never snorkeled before; it was so much fun! We saw a ton of fish, and even a sea turtle.

The third day we finally got sunshine. It was glorious. I spent the day working on my tan (while Brad worked on his sunburn 😊 ).

The beach is too addicting. We've decided to can the rest of Malaysia and head straight for Thailand.

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


13th June 2008

This is so awesome. Thanks for taking the time to share all of this. I am crying with joy and jealousy. It's really good to see you and Brad in the pictures. It's also good to see where you are at. Personally I would never leave the beach hut. I think I could retire there! Love you very much. Thanks again for taking the time to send this. Denney
22nd June 2008

Adventure of a lifetime!
Hi guys! I wanted to title the comment "lucky bastards," but I wanted to make sure you knew I was like half joking. That's just the first thing that popped into my head. =) It sounds like you guys are having a blast and I'm so happy for you! I love reading all of the stories and looking at all of the pictures! Thank you for sharing! Smiles!

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