Kuala Lumpur Day 1

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August 1st 2011
Published: August 1st 2011
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BackHome Hostel

The loooong journey ending at the spot we are staying in KL. http://www.backhome.com.my/

Fresh and LandedFresh and LandedFresh and Landed

Not too bad after only 3 hours sleep. Still excitable everytime she gets a new stamp in her passport.
So, Day 1...

It's almost over as it is. It's past 23:00 on a Saturday night in Kuala Lumpur, we took off at 21:30 on the Friday from Heathrow and we're now rocketing toward KL on the KL Express train.

In an effort to not be affected by any time differences, I've stayed awake all through the journey. A bit daft some might think (especially since I was up early to finish moving house all Friday) but it seemed logical to me; plus I feel alright. Felt worse stepping off the first flight for our transfer at Doha International Airport. By jove was it hot out there at 7am! And they intend on holding a world cup there in June/July? All I can recommend is taking shares out in a air conditioning company or two as they're going to be needed for more than just the stadiums!

Anyway, she tried to sleep on the flights, as she always ends up doing during times of travel, so I was left with the Qatar Airways entertainment system. It was good, but not as good as they sell it to you as being. For starters, over half the films they say

Doubtful after not sleeping at all on the plane.
are being shown that month aren't on there... but enough, we're here to talk holidays and I'm travelling ever closer to what is looking like a stunning Malaysian capital city. Every once in a while you get a quick glimpse of what is an ever-growing-in-size pair of brilliant white spires that are, quite distinguishably, the Petronas Towers.

As the train nears the city centre and the sprawling yet seemingly lifeless suburbs are replaced by the familiar metropolis of high rise towers, neon lights and city living (and all that that entails - be it good or bad) the excitement of being somewhere new has risen and is battling with the tiredness that has also kicked in with every minute sat aboard such a smooth and comfortable train.

Alas, as we eventually navigate the public transport system and make our way to the hostel - BackHome KL - tiredness reigns supreme and we check in (technically a day late now) and head straight to bed

Still, tomorrow the real adventuring begins!

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Travelled in StyleTravelled in Style
Travelled in Style

He's seeing plenty of the world is this giraffe.

1st August 2011

Thanks for the blog
You two look like your already having the time of your life, look forward to keeping up with your adventures. Take care and enjoy.
7th August 2011

Looks like an interesting trip!
Looks like a great trip for the two of you. I also look forward to keeping up with your travels!

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