Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia

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Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur
January 6th 2009
Published: March 30th 2009
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As usual I have to start with apologies, first I know it has been a very long time since I have updated you all and I dont even really have a good excuse for this except I have just been having too much fun! And secondly I was a bit of a divvy and when I met the folks in Thailand I sent them home with all my memory cards/ flash sticks etc and so unfortunately I dont really have any photos here to upload until the Thailand blog ...Sorry!!! But I will upload then once back home.

But anyway, I don't really have all that much to say about Singapore as I wasnt all that enamored with it really and only stayed for a couple of days. There were however a couple of things that I really liked about it, top of the list would definitely be the food!!! I quickly became a huge fan of the hawker centers (huge areas full of hundreds of different stalls all selling a mind-boggling array of cheap food) and preceded to spend most of my time sampling all the different fare that they had to offer. On the few occasions that I did manage to drag myself away from then I was also really impressed with the amazing diversity that is so evident in Singapore, a regular occurrence whilst walking down the street would be to first pass a Muslim covered head to toe, following her would then be a Hindu lady brightly adorned in the most beautiful sparkling red sari and a few more paces down the road you would encounter some giggling Chinese girls in the latest fashion of mini skirts, frilly shirts and tank tops!

On leaving Singapore I caught an overnight bus up to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) where I arrived at the unearthy hour of 4.30am as is the usual way I got thrown off the bus in an undisclosed part of town and left to vainly try and figure out where I was. Much to my relief English is quite commonly spoken in Malaysia so after finding an all night cafe I managed to ascertain where I was and where I had to go and then just had to wait until the public transport systems (of which there are an awful lot of in KL- the MRT, LRT, KTM and the monorail to mention just a few!) where up and running. Although the area that I stay in wasnt the nicest or cleanest (but it was the cheapest!) the rest of KL was nice although slightly over populated by malls and shopping centers as is the way with many large cities. I did the usual tourist ceruit of KL which included visiting the Petronas towers and the sky tower (which is the 4th highest building in the world) as well as many mosques and temples. After a few days in KL I decided that Id had enough of city life and decided to head over to Borneo...


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