Kuala Lumpur

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June 14th 2007
Published: June 14th 2007
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Journey on night trin from Penang down to Kuala Lumpur - cheapest seats would have been fine, except for the disugusting fat noisy man behind us that insisted on snoring REALLY loudly the WHOLE journey, preventing anyone else from sleeping. When he did stop for a second, we had annoying teenage kids being all load & silly, smoking by the toilets. apart from that tho, journey was fine & i got through a lot of reading done & chance to watch the beautiful sunrise again...ahhh.

Met Shelle at Kuala Lumpur station to complete the travel trio we will be for the next few months or so (or until we get sick of each other!!)

Kuala Lumpur...one word...HUGE!! arrived in yet another chinatown (much bigger this time). more cool little markets, food smells, clothes, etc, tho a distinct feeling that much rubbish is being brought in just to sell to the tourists...can't be helped!

transport systems here seem good but confusing, with LRT & monorail, railway, bus, etc. would be fine if they didn't insist on us paying for a single ticket on every journey & having to queue up each time as the ticket machine won't accept certain combinations of notes & change! connecting lines gets very compicated too.

crossing roads is a serious problem, many occasions spent trying to figure out how to get to the other side! i know its a big city but i think london is much easier than this. walking to places isn't easy, seems that want us to constantly use public transport, which i want to avoid!! failed to reach some amazing lake gardens we had been trying to get to, falied to go to the great museum, as when we eventually found it, it had shut down! karen had serious issues with HSBC bank, so spent ages trying ot sort that out...we really had a miserable time!

actually, aside from from the horrid stuff, KL was great. really fab national mosque - spoke to a guy there for some insightful info re:islam...check out how great we look in our robes & head scrves...no mum, i haven't converted, honest!! also saw a great hindu temple & a few chinese temples. so nice to see the contrast bewteen the different religions & all working so well together. Petronas towers were great too - fab views of the city & finding out that actually they are a pretty good company too, trying to do lots of good for malaysia - didn't realise that.


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