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Asia » Laos
August 27th 2010
Published: August 28th 2010
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It’s the little things in life that annoy me. Like queuing at ATM’s; being served cold toast with rock hard butter; people who wear blue tooth ear pieces; the French being allowed travel Visa’s …etc. Just simple things. So when Canada wakes up this morning complaining he’s lost all his money, his passport and his bank cards, I see that as being just a simple thing. Not because all those material things are replaceable and therefore won’t affect his life long term, but because he had them on him when he went to sleep only seven hours earlier. I’ve also grown accustomed to his pansy rants. Lets break it down. I don’t know Cecilia that well but Im a good judge of character. I know that a single female, 21 years of age, travelling alone on a gap year with two strange dudes, isn’t gonna get up in the middle of the night to rob the very companions she is travelling with. Its simply never gonna be in her interest to commit such a sin. I know myself, even better. I would never rob a travel partner. So in such a tiny room, with no immediate culprits, Canada’s possessions can’t have wandered far. I can hear him moaning like the old man he is while im having my morning shower and his voice is starting to annoy me already. I don’t need this shit first thing. Im still mad at him for turning the alarm off only ten minutes earlier, an alarm I set from my very own ipod to ensure we would wake up for the early bus. I open the bathroom door, tell him to chill from being a bitch, and retrieve his worldly goods from under his pillow. He got in all a curfuffle for nothing. Bad karma before even leaving the guest house. Tut tut.

The bus is churning out Loas pop music big time today. I watch 48 minutes of The Godfather before giving in. My ipod is louder than my notepad so I plug in my earphones and fall asleep to New Orders Get Ready album.


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