All-Night Karaoke etc!

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Asia » Japan
October 17th 2004
Published: October 17th 2004
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Well last night (or this morning?) was a blast! A bunch of us from both home stay and seminar house went to Kyoto and found the all you can eat pizza place. Now of course pizza in Japan is very different. It is always thin crust and they don't put tomato sauce on it. Also they have some interesting toppings like mayonaise, tuna, and corn... I tried the tuna pizza...but nah..I wasn't really into it so I ended up sticking to the hawaiian pizza which was fantastic.

Afterward, we met up with Yohei and the boys for some serious karaoke at Shouen bowl. Nothing like hearing cute Japanese boys sing Slipknot and Usher's "Yeah." Oh some serious fun.

My songs of the evening were:
"Fighter"- Christina Aguilera
"Fallin'"- Alicia Keys
"Bring Me To Life"- Evanescence
"Tuxedo Mirage"- Sailor Moon Song
"Super Drive"- Gravitation Song
"Toxic"- Britney Spears

After singing Britney, the Japanese boys called me "sexy" and "kakkoi." LOL! How fun it is to sing Karaoke in Japan! (It also helps my Japanese reading skills as well...)

Haha, now its time for some gaijin (slang for person not from Japan) gossip! So Yohei likes this girl from Texas and we all know it so whenever I see him I ask him "Kanoujo doko?" (Where is your girlfriend?) So to get me back Yohei is always picking out any of my guy friends and calling them my boyfriend. But anyway! Yohei is officially on a mission to find me a real boyfriend...this is what he told! He said he "wants me to become happy." Aww, isn't that sweet? So I am hoping he and girl from Texas go out a few times so he can "become happy" too!

Oh well! After the karaoke we walked Paul to the train station to wait for the first train at 5:16 am. While we were waiting Yohei and friends taught us the worst Japanese phrases in the book. Not so sweet afterall eh? Oh boys will be boys!

Tonight is the huge Hip Hop club in Osaka. I'm stoked! It should be an adventure. I also can't wait to see some of these Japanese girls get down hip hop style!

Well, I am off to breakfast (lunch????). More tomorrow after hip hop club!


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