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Asia » Japan
November 5th 2006
Published: November 6th 2006
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Claire and I arrived in Japan on Monday to a warm sunny day after a ten and a half hour flight and very little sleep. We found our hostel in Tokyo quite easily and explored the local area, visiting parks and busy back streets with little shops and stalls. After a rest we headed out for some noodles with two girls we had met at our hostel, it was cheap and tasty! After a few beers we had an early night in preparation of a big day exploring on Tuesday.

After a decent nights sleep we headed into the heart of the city and walked around the Imperial Palace Gardens, the Diet Building, (the equivalent of the Houses of Parliment) and Ginza, (a Japanese Picadilly circus with big bright advertising signs and lots of designer shops). We headed to the Ueno Zoo in the afternoon where amongst other things I saw an Armadillo and Mere Cats!

Wednesday we headed by train to Lake Kawaguchio-Ko in the National Park where Mount Fuji is located. When we arrived it was late afternoon so found a Ryokan to stay in, (traditional Japanese Inn with Bamboo mat floors, no beds and traditional japanese hot spa baths) and explored. I later discovered that the Ryokan had communal showers but decided to be mature about it even though a middle-aged Japanese lady kept starring at me!

On Thursday we got a cable car up Mount Tenjo for some great views of the lakes and surrounding areas, unfortunately it was too cloudly to see Mount Fuji; we did lots of walking and brought a few bits to remind us of our stay in Japan.

On Friday it was clear first thing so we managed to get a quick look at the snow capped Mount Fuji before it clouded over again and then we headed to Yokohama, a city about 50km's south of Tokyo and found our hostel which wasn't too nice and reminded Claire and I of a Prision. It had metal doors, dirty cracked walls and they instructed us as to when we could be in and out of the hostel, when we could shower, etc.

So not wanting to spend any time in the hostel we explored Yokohama's harbour and surrounding area and the following day, (Saturday) we went on the Ferris wheel, (one of the largest in the world) and a rollercoaster in the amusement park. We went to a Japanese Food market and got free samples of green tea, sake, (rice wine), dough balls and what I think was Rum Jelly! We headed into Chinatown where I didn't see the curb and tripped up, trying to catch my balance I put my arms out and the bag I had in my hand, (containing a glass bottle of Sake) swung round and hit a Japanese lady on the head! She made an odd noise and covered her head with her hands, (I think she thought I was trying to mug her!) So I did my best to explain I had tripped up and apologised, what a fool!

Sunday - After waking up in Prison, (the dirty hostel), we checked out and headed back to Tokyo. It was a lovely hot sunny day so with our backpacks in tow we headed for Hibiya Park and spent the afternoon playing cards, listening to music and relaxing after a busy week. We walked to Hama-rikyu Gardens which overlooked the seashore and came back through Ginza to see all the advertising signs by night.

After spending last night, (Sunday), in the airport we made friends with an American man, (Gene) who invited Claire and I to go and stay with him in China, (I don't think so), and are flying to Beijing this morning, (Monday). The weather this morning in Tokyo is very cloudy so let's hope Beijing is warmer!

Japan has been fascinating, (I saw someone eating Pizza with chopsticks) and the people have been really friendly and welcoming.

I will add some Japan photos at a later date as this computer won't let me.


6th November 2006

Sounds like your enjoying yourself
Hi Eric! And Claire! Sounds like you had a ball in Japan! Trust you to hit a women over the head! That's something I'd do! Keep enjoying yourselves and I can't wait to see your pictures and read about your next stop! Keep safe both of you! Lots of Love Kate xxx
6th November 2006

you made us laugh
Hi Erica Caroline and i have laughed so much at your adventures so far. You made it so entertaining, i wish i was behind you when you acosted the Japanese lady. Wicked Sod! Love the comments in brackets, typical you. Bob sends his love, he feels awful about not saying goodbye, the dopey bugga thought you were flying in the evening not the morning. Love you, miss you loads but so thrilled for you. Sarah and Caroline
6th November 2006

What a great read
You are deffinitely making the most of your trip and having a good time you did not say if you broke the sake of if you managed to salvage it will be checking site regularly goodl uck on your way to china love to you both AA xxxxxxxx

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