Supper in Tokyo

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September 15th 2015
Published: September 15th 2015
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Just returned from a weary foray into the "central Tokyo" district to find supper - and what a good decision this was - being tired we had considered eating in the hotel. First of all just great food and secondly at unbeatable prices. We had 3 enormous battered prawns on sticky rice with a side of a bowl of hot noodles all for £4! Best of all this little eatery is a 10 min walk from the hotel so chances are we will be back! It was great to find somewhere fairly authentic as up until then and because we are staying in central Tokyo, it had been hard to see that the city was really that different from any other large concrete metropolis - apart from the cleanliness, dedicated smoking zones (the city appears to be smoke free apart from these little smoggy fenced off areas) and the street signs! As we have a telephone call booked with Mimi (one of the organisers) at 9pm and we needed to keep awake we took a stroll in the balmy night air (it get's dark quickly and early here) up to the Divine Gate - the entrance to a shrine dedicated to the soldiers who died in the wars up until 1879 - there are 2.5 million soldiers ashes scattered in the shrine! So an interesting evening on day one and now just waiting for Mimi to call with plans for tomorrow's visits and then time to hit the sack! Arigado for reading this, Wayne and Tricia.


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