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Asia » Japan » Tokyo
July 18th 2014
Published: August 6th 2014
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This trip to Japan almost never happened. Before our trip we had to renew our passports which involved sending them back to the UK and we only had a 6 week window for renewal before our visas were up! 2 days after we sent the passports off, news broke about huge delays in the UK Passport office. To cut a long (and very stressful) story short, thanks to a Member of Parliament in the UK we got our p... Read Full Entry

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Photos: 94, Displayed: 21


Yodobashi camera at AkibaYodobashi camera at Akiba
Yodobashi camera at Akiba

yes, we spent hours in there!
Robot restaurant!Robot restaurant!
Robot restaurant!

...and a dodgy street ;)
Torii gate entrance to Yoyogi-koenTorii gate entrance to Yoyogi-koen
Torii gate entrance to Yoyogi-koen

Largest wooden torii gate in Japan

6th August 2014

Japan is still on our bucket list but now we can use your blog as a guide. I'd love a list of the places you stayed. It does look like your list of must do's was rather long. Great stuff. You've been successful in tasting all those wonderful foods. !
7th August 2014

Long list of must-do's!
Hi MJ and Dave, yes we had a huge list of must do's and ended up walking about 7-8 hours a day! We managed to see most of what we wanted. We definitely recommend a trip to Japan, it was awesome. We'll be putting where we stayed etc in each blog, but if you want any more info just give us a shout x
6th August 2014

Very Nice!
I'm going to Japan next year and this blog gave me some nice tips!
7th August 2014

Tips on Japan
Hi Per-Olof, thanks for commenting and reading. We'll be putting lots of tips in our upcoming blogs about Japan and food etc. It really wasn't as expensive as we thought. We loved every minute of our time there!

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