week in Tokyo!

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February 2nd 2014
Published: February 18th 2014
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Iv been to Tokyo few times with work now and it's one of my favourite places we get to go to. This trip was a 6 day so had 4 nights in Tokyo. Was quite a chilled week mainly spent eating! The first night we went for traditional katsu curry in a little place where you can choose your own spice level. We went for a 2. I love spicy and a 2 was definately spicey enough. It states on the menu that if you would like to order a level 6 spice then they need to witness you eating a full curry at level 5 first. Hot stuff! The first full day we had me and 3 of the boys went to Kamakura. I had been here in the summer, it's such a lovely place with lots of temples and a real traditional Japanese feel to it. We had a wander then walked to the big buddha which is a main attraction here, and you can pay to stand inside the buddha which was cool. The rest of the trip was quite chilled as it was absolutely freezing and have been to a few of the main attractions before such as Shibuya, Harajuku, Roppongi etc. So me and couple of the guys just explored locally in Yokohama - went to the Pokemon shop to relive our youth, pot noodle musuem, and ate at interesting places. One restaurant we went to had what can only be described as a huge sewage pipe sticking out the wall and on the hour the lights would all flicker, an alarm would sound and water came rushing out the pipe flowing down the middle of the restaurant. Was so strange, and alarmed some the local gentleman dining here as there were a few shrieks. We enjoyed it, and the food was delish. I could live off gyoza forever, mmmm! Nice week.

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