Fake Plastic Trees

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December 21st 2005
Published: December 21st 2005
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Train StationTrain StationTrain Station

Because it is dangerous, please do not step beyond the yellow line.
Christmas time, but Turkeys cost about $150 CDN, and trees are very uncommon. No pumpkin pie or Christmas pudding either. The big Christmas dish is "Christmas Cake", which can be just about any type of cake, but commonly seems to be a white cake with strawberries on it.

I went to a soccer game last Friday, it was Sydney FC vs. Al Ahly (Egypt). There's a "special guest" player on Sydney right now, a Japanese fellow named Kazuyoshi "Kazu" Miura, who is incredibly popular with the Japanese fans. There was always someone yelling "KAZU!!!" at the top of their lungs, or holding up a "King Kazu" banner. They went nuts when he scored a header goal off a corner kick. It was a fun game. I ate some "Demon Hot" pringles which tasted like BBQ, and weren't even remotely hot.

After the game I walked around and looked at some Christmas lights.

I was going to go to Thailand for Christmas, but tickets were impossible to get. So I'm stuck here in the cold. It is very cold.

Additional photos below
Photos: 17, Displayed: 17


Snowy MountainSnowy Mountain
Snowy Mountain

I didn't take this, and I'm not sure where it is, but it's nice.

All around the field, on the track, there were guys in yellow slickers that stood almost perfectly still for most of the game. It was a cold night, they must have been freezing.
Soccer ActionSoccer Action
Soccer Action

Maybe someone scored, I can't remember. Most of the soccer pictures are blurry, due to the distance and instability. I didn't take any of these pictures.
Non blurry soccerNon blurry soccer
Non blurry soccer

Syndey FC is blue.
Happy FansHappy Fans
Happy Fans

The fellow on the left is from Calgary. His name is Eldon. He is amusing. The other two guys were sitting behind us. They like Kazu.
Kaleidoscope buildingKaleidoscope building
Kaleidoscope building

This was inside a thingy. It's neat.

First picture of me. I am alive. I was wearing 4 layers of clothes, and still kinda cold. The trees were nice.

This is a big temple region. I went a long time ago but didn't take pictures. Here are some.

21st December 2005

It's about time u posted a pic with you in it!!!
5th January 2006

Hey Matt! Great to hear from you and that you are surviving the frigid weather. Too bad about Thailand. Hope that all is still going well for you and that you had a good Christmas. It is strange being away from home, isn't it? Take care and we are still thinking of you. Em and Trev (oh yeah, we had a little girl on December 20th. Her name is Claire.)

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