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April 7th 2007
Published: April 7th 2007
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I found a Shrine... I found a Shrine... I found a Shrine...

Not uncommon in the mountains... but somehow it still enlivens me...
Hello all,

So, despite the warnings and the small internal voice of my better judgement, I decided to catch the overnight bus after work on Saturday to Tokyo. It is a fraction of the price of the train, and of course, there is a reason!

Locals warned me not to take it, the sales people tried to gesture wildly that the seats were - how to say - Japanese size - and my students just laughed. But, of course, that just gave me more conviction ;0)

So, I was off after class and a nice izakaya with some students and Geoff, which put me in a good mood. Also, after all the warnings, I had prepared myself for the worst, so luckily I was amused by my seat companion (an oversized Japanese man who decided that guzzling beer, intensely slurping and letting out eruptive burps followed by a round of all sorts of interesting grunts and sighs that shocked and appalled a 4-5 seat radius around us). Of course, in the end I was even more glad I had been amused by him and smiled pleasantly the first half of the trip while he got glares and
A walking museum...A walking museum...A walking museum...

Hey, it's Tokyo, sometimes there just aren't explanations!
stare downs from those around us, as I did manage to catch a few hours sleep at the end of the haul, and when I jerked my head up, pulling into the city, I am quite sure it was directly off of his shoulder...

So I arrived in the city of cities and met my old babysitter - yep - it had been a full 10 years since we had seen each other and it was fascinating to chat like old times and share everything from random fascination with Japan, to views on life, to long term goals, and family updates. We lounged over coffee and breakfast and planned out a day of sightseeing and meandering, interspersed with good food and great company.

After a few mishaps looking for specific restaurants, we found a beautiful local grill for a Tokyo specialty and enjoyed various drinks late into the night, followed by a slightly painful morning (simply as we decided to make an early start) for the most amazing market I have every seen. Now, not many people think of a fish market as an attraction - but this is possibly my favourite outing to date in Japan. The
How could we not?!?How could we not?!?How could we not?!?

This sign is the epitome of inexplicable cartoony Japan
atmosphere and environment of this community is indescribably and majestic: As is the size and quantity of assorted sea creatures that are displayed stall to stall. I would recommend a trip to Japan to anyone, simply for this experience.

Of course, the rest of the day was a continuation of sightseeing and taking in the city, and even a hike, followed by another episode of the night bus (though this time my travel partner was quick to strip out of shirt, shoes, and socks - now I realize this allows his clothes to stay a bit fresher - but it was a bit more skin and wafting smell that I had really hoped to endure). Luckily there were 2 empty seats to my right and I was quick to be the greedy foreigner who jumped on them as soon as I was certain there were no other people filing in. So, despite the wafting smell of my original seat companion as he stretched across the two seats he was left with, I was able to try my hand at amateur contortionism and find a few questionable positions I could fall asleep in for short stretches of time.

View of the CityView of the CityView of the City

Not as clear as could be - but nice nonetheless!
arriving back in Osaka, I managed to have enough time to shower at home, and even head to boxing before teaching... though a few students inquired after my husky voice...

What can I say - the excitement of Tokyo is only amplified with the night-bus experience...

Trish xxx

Additional photos below
Photos: 28, Displayed: 24


Local FoodLocal Food
Local Food

I actually am begining to love the idea of cooking your own at your table with friends and really making an evening of eating...
The famous area in TokyoThe famous area in Tokyo
The famous area in Tokyo

Interestingly where girls (and some boys) go to dress up in rather interesting costumes for pictures - what can I say, morbid facination - I claim it is inherently human...

Unfortunately they were in a terrible enclosure that really left us conflicted and saddened...

What can I say - we're just like that!
Attempting to Cruise...Attempting to Cruise...
Attempting to Cruise...

Desperately trying to fit - without success....
Trish Cruising...Trish Cruising...
Trish Cruising...

I gave up and went for the side shot :0)
The workers...The workers...
The workers...

Trimming the tuna...
Fish HeadFish Head
Fish Head

The size of these things were astounding
More Tuna hacking....More Tuna hacking....
More Tuna hacking....

Note the axe - I swear the fish is the size of the man
Still in Awe...Still in Awe...
Still in Awe...

...More processing
Trying to get some perspective...Trying to get some perspective...
Trying to get some perspective...

Check out the fish (yes - there was only one) in the wooden casket behind Jasmine...!!!
Crazy machines!Crazy machines!
Crazy machines!

This is one of the crazy transportation devices that I am amazed at - it's like bumper cars that never hit... but they are certainly something to avoid!
The fish marketThe fish market
The fish market

A hurried workerÂ…
Sales transaction at the fish marketSales transaction at the fish market
Sales transaction at the fish market

I love the size of the stallsÂ… amazing! Simply Amazing!
Another sales stallAnother sales stall
Another sales stall

The woman is doing the admin behind the hanging papers

and, of course, the ink!
Fish heads...Fish heads...
Fish heads...

on the chopping block

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