I have actually seen some sights!

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April 1st 2007
Published: April 1st 2007
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Hi y'all. I know that every time I post something it appears that all I am doing is partying. Well, while that is true.....I am indeed seeing some cool stuff. Take for example all of the cool shrines hidden in downtown mania Tokyo. I've included a How to Bow pic in case any off you to study up. So you can see that I actually am checking things out. No, there is no nightlife surrounding the spot where I took this pic and no it is not 6 am when Im on my way home. 😊

On a different note, the cherry blossoms are blooming! I have been hunting them down in hopes of the ideallic Japan spring photo, but I keep getting cloudy, grey sky days...nonetheless I will describe the view for you all! So cherry blossoms are the most delicate little flowers....once the sign of them blooming begins, all of Japan launches an all out sakura watching calendar in which parties and trips are planned. These little delicate beauties only bloom at the beginning of spring and unfortunately only last as long as mother nature allows. Wind and rain usually cause them to blow off the trees and fall to the ground...which honestly is insanely beautiful. Just imagine hundreds of little pink blossoms floating in the air!
For me my viewing is just beginning because I just returned from Shanghai! As is a tradition in my life, birthdays are time for traveling and celebrating....why should this year be any different?? Shanghai was an amazing experience. Visting a place like Shanghai after you have spent any time in orderly, overly polite Tokyo is an awakening. Its busy, brash and the language barrier is a serious challenge. That being said it was fantastic! Not only is the city itself a unique mix of european architecture and modern neon clad buildings but it also boasts a ton of great food, beautiful shrines and of course shopping. I went with my friend Amy and between the two of us I think we re-wardrobed ourselves. Of course, of course I partied too. 😊 I figured I'd keep this blog clean and PG.

Well thats all for now! I miss you all and love you tons. kt

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1st April 2007

Whas up??
Kati, It looks like you are having a fabuolous time and experiencing some wonderful things. I am so happy for you that you are able to do this at this time in your life, and it makes me want to go travel. Keep us posted on everything and eat lots of sushi. We miss you here. Be safe but have lots of fun! Love ya, KJ
4th April 2007

I'm so glad you are able to see so many amazing things Kati! And you look beautiful - as always! Hope you had a fabulous birthday!!!

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