Day Thirty Three: I'm sick!

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April 28th 2008
Published: April 28th 2008
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I have the flu. Its a lovely, sunny day outside and I am huddled over Sanaes parents computer, wearing (once again) her Mums cardigan sniffling into tissues trying to write a creative and interesting story about my Saturday and Sunday night but I keep getting distracted by the eternal knocking at the door, which I'm sure if I were to answer it, would be death.

You may think I'm overreacting, talking my illness up in an attempt to garner some sympathy from you - my devoted readers. In a way, you would be correct. I feel that by gaining your sympathy you will forgive me for being lazy in my descriptions of my somewhat sordid weekend.

Saturday: Woke up with a hangover, spent the evening at a party for a doctor we were invited to by one of Sanaes friends who is a model. Sounds glamorous doesn't it? Well it wasn't. It was a strange evening. The upshot of the evening was Sanae has a new enemy and I'm going in search of a tape recorder to record myself saying the following

"Leah".... "Pleased to meet you"...."no I'm learning but can't say very much"...."Australia, Sydney".... "Oh really? where did you stay?".... "hahaha thats ok"...."Yes it is beautiful"..."Japan is very different"..."oh just lots of little things you know, like the toilets hahaha"..."I do love it"......"teaching. Eigo no sensei"...."hahaha oh really"

and then end. God I had that exact conversation 8 times! By the end Sanae knew it off by heart.

Sunday: Dinner with Niske, Yumiko, Yasu, Will and some of their friends. Niske is trying to set Yumiko up, but it's going haywire. Yasu fancies Yumiko, but Yumiko fancies his friend. Dai asks me on a date, but I think he's gay and laugh in his face before realising he wasn't joking and murmer something about being busy. Niske gets a message from a friend in Indonesia - he is in love with her and has flown to Tokyo to see her. Niske paints on a smile and hopes her boyfriend won't find out. Yumiko and I get drunk and whisper to each other about our haircuts. Will sees this intimate moment and assumes we are interested in each other. He also assumes, for some reason I am a hairdresser and somehow I am now commited to streaking his hair blonde and dying his friends hair pink. Ridiculous.

We leave and Niske and I sneak off to Mos Burger together because we hated the food at dinner.

I arrive home and feel ill. oh dear. I think my weekend is about to catch up with me.


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