Day Six: baka in the evening

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April 1st 2008
Published: April 1st 2008
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Faux Frenchy doing his portraitFaux Frenchy doing his portraitFaux Frenchy doing his portrait

Its a terrible photo of me - but at least its proof of my fame and notoriety
12:30 am - Wake up: Damn. It's morning already, and Sanae is already out of bed. I groan and inwardly curse Sanae for needing so little sleep - she'd gone to bed after I'd fallen asleep and had woken up before me as well, and was now fiddling about int he bathroom. Nihon jin Energizer bunny extraordinaire.
12:35 am - Shuffle into the loungeroom to check the time - 7:00 am. Bugger. It's still dark outside which means it's going to be another bastard of a day.
12:40 am - Dress quickly to protect my delicate self from this freezing nasty morning.
12:45 am - Fold away my bed into the cupboard and wander back into the living area.
12:51 am - Glance up at the clock on the wall.
12:52 am - Whoa.... Double take, slap hand against forehead as realization dawns slowly upon me.
12:53 am - Get bed ready again to continue my nights sleep, get changed back into pyjamas.
12:54 am - Avoid curious look from Sanae as she enters the room for bed and fall asleep.

07:00 am - Wake up, check the time, decide to sleep for another few minutes.
07:01 am - Re confirm time, just to be sure, decide to get dressed, congratulate myself on having decided already what to wear today.
07:15 am - Feeling pretty smug about eating bacon and eggs with chopsticks when i drop half of it on the table.

08:20 am - Unable to breathe.... Think I'm suffocating... Cannot believe this many people can fit on one train. There is no way anymore people can fit in this carriage.
08:23 am - I am proved wrong as 15 more people squeeze on the train. Don't think my feet are actually touching the floor anymore, Its as though I am being pushed up and supported by the sheer volume of being packed in. Thinking Jealously about Sardines and the wonderful life they must be living in their roomy, spacious cans.

09:10 am - Lesson starts, I have friends in my class! The teacher can actually say my name! Score!
11:30 am - Hiragana dictates my name is now spelt Riah

13:15 pm - As Sanae has finished work early and my course is done at 12:40, we meet at Ueno and catch the metro to Ginza to pick up her present she has bought for the auditors birthday.
14:20 pm - I am famous! A man just asked me if he could take my photo for his portfolio. Assuming he wants me to take my clothes off. Decline politely. What kind of girl does he think I am?
14:23 pm - Establish that no clothes removal is required. He just wants me to pull a funny face, so he can take photos "like the french man" I decide not to ask which french man, as I feel it could lead to a discussion about french photography - I subject I have only a limited knowledge of.
14:24 pm - To no ones surprise I allow the photo to proceed. I pull my funny face for the camera, The faux-frenchy thanks me politely and disappears into the throng.

17:00 pm - Sanae is looking hot tonight - she's taking the auditor out to dinner for his birthday and is going to spend the evening looking glam with even straighter hair than usual (I'm introducing the straightner to Saitama)
17:13 pm - Yay! Sanaes parents are taking me to BBQ for dinner! I'm spoiled! I LOVE Japan!


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