Day One in da City

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Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Asakusa
June 6th 2009
Published: June 6th 2009
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Hey everybody from Japan!! We woke up bright and early this morning at 7 am apparently wayy before anyone else in Tokyo because on this lovely rainy Saturday morning we walked past lots of restaurants and businesses that were unopened up until 10 o clock. After eating soy and nut pastries for breakfast we made our way to Edo Tokyo Museum and received a free personal tour in English from a museum volunteer and learned how Tokyo has been completely rebuilt since 1945 after we leveled everything with bombs. There were also lots of exhibits on art and the ancient societies. We then went and ate a lunch of sashimi and tempura on the top level of the museum overlooking the entirity of Tokyo. After lunch we headed to Akihabara or Electric Town as it is known to the Gaijin (tourists). There we played Pachinko, scoured for cheap electronics, ate soy ice cream (mochi), and danced with a man (against his will) paid to rap along with obnoxious Japanese helium induced music. After receiving sufficient headaches from being around massive amounts of hand held electrical equipment, annoying rediculous music and a billion teenagers, we made our way through the streets mingling with locals, eating grilled octopus and wandering through impromptu street markets and parades. Slowly we made our way back to the best happy hour in town at Popeye's Beer Bar. Here we received amazing deals on very hard to find beer, barleywine, fried chicken and RAW EMU SASHIME (yes, we ate raw Austrailian oversized flightless bird). It was DAMN good and served with italian dressing and radish. best food ever. So after we made many friends at the bar and Walter made some good business connections for Japan and Merill Lynch we finally came back to the hostel for a breather tonight before going out. Thus ends the update for today. We are headed to Roppongi later tonight for some clubbin', freestylin' and likely wowing the locals with our amazing hip hop raps developed over the course of the day.

Jordan's super fun time amazing Japanese word bank update (these are the words I have in my vocabulary so far):
mizu- water
kudasai- please
konichiwah- hello
cyonara- goodbye, see ya
ichiban- one
ni- two
dori- street
arigato- thank you
domo- very much
tako- octopus
motto- more
tori- chicken
bedu- beer
eigo- english
hai- yes
iie- no
ni hongo de- in Japanese language
oru- all
ikii- chug!
oishii- delicious

More updates and pictures to come soon! Peace, love and sushi



6th June 2009

word bank
I'm glad to know you've figured out the word for "beer", but you better find out the word for "headache powder" soon or you'll regret it.
6th June 2009

Jordan, you rock!! Walter, nice job networking!! Woo-hoo...I can't wait to hear more....
6th June 2009

red bean ice cream
Let me know how the red bean ice cream over there is compared to the scoop we had in Cville! Sounds like you guys are doin' great so far!!!

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