Day Trip to Nikko

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September 10th 2007
Published: September 19th 2007
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On Monday we caught the train into Nikko, Nikko has a history that stretches back to the 8th Centuary, also for many years it was a famous training centre for Buddhist monks. This area is crammed full of temples and shrines of which we saw most of them but after a while you reach a saturation point where they all just start blending into one another. We also made our way to see the famous waterfall in Nikko which was a nice sight, but again if you have ever been to Victoria Falls it makes this one look like a small water trickle. As you may have noticed Nikko was an interesting place to see but it has not been my favourite by any means…Tomorrow we are off to Kyoto which I am really looking forward too, we are hoping to catch sight of a Geisha which would be amazing. Tomorrow we leave the bright city lights of Tokyo and head off for Kyoto in hope of a little more “old Japan”, the perfectly raked zen garden and the traditional teahouses that you always associate with Japan.

Chat to you soon from Kyoto..

Love Al and Se xxx

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