Day Two- Osaka

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July 11th 2007
Published: July 11th 2007
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I went to sleep at around 11 last night, and woke up at five thirty this morning. I stayed in bed until six thirty, and then I had to get up. I got up at around the same time Mrs. Tanaka got up. I read some, and tried incredibly hard to understand what she was saying to me when we spoke. She asked me if I wanted was not hungry, so I said no thanks, probably in an hour. An hour later, exactly, she makes me breakfast. I am so lucky I live in a house with an amazing cook! Breakfast was a couple of garden grown tomatoes, two eggs, three sausages (tasted like ones from Germany) and some lettuce.
As we talked over breakfast, I had a hard time understanding and kept on saying that it was really hard to understand, but she kept on reassuring me that even though I dont understand now, I will understand later. That was a big encouragedment.
That morning I spoke almost entirely in Japanese. I had to. Then Kie came down at around eight thirty, and then she worked as a translator somewhat. I realize that I speak english a fair amount of the time, with short interjections in JApanese. But when some of her family is around it is almost entirely in Japanese.
Anyways, at around 11 we went around shopping. They had to get me some slippers, because the ones they had didnt fit me, but we couldnt find any my size. We also got some clothes for me to wear to sleep. It is called Jinmei. We also went shopping for lunch. We got back, and lunch was Udon with egg and some kind of sweet tofu-like thing. It was very good. They always ask me how the food is and I always say "oishii desu" (it's delicious), and it really is.
As we were eating lunch, Kie's brother, Chihiro, came down from his sleep (he has a part time job and he comes home at 1 am). He sat down and we talked a little bit. That conversation was entirely in Japanese. We talked about english and engrish, family, sports, etc. I cant wait till my Japanese improves!
We left at around 1 20 for some volunteer work at an elementary school. We made kuru kuru paipu, if i knew that that meant i would write it down, and helped the kids make them. All the kids stared at me and came up to me and touched me. I felt like an alien from another planet. I didnt really feel out of place until i realized all the kids were staring at me and came up to me and tried to talk to me in english. I heard "gaijin iru yo!" too many times. It was still a blast, though. I had a lot of fun and only a little trouble in communication.
After the work, we went to a large public park. It was very hot and very humid, and we had a hard time just walking around! Kie and I spoke mostly english for some reason, but it was great. AFter that we came back and took a quick shower. I just kind of existed until dinner time, which krept up on me. Again, it was very delicious food. After that I gave the presents to the family, took another shower, and now I am typing this. After I finish up, I am going straight to bed.

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Photos: 32, Displayed: 24


12th July 2007

Hey Arhtur
Hey man, awesome pictures, i am excited i will get to see all the stuff you are doing. Hope you have a great time over there.
12th July 2007

Thanks for taking so many pictures. what are the things you're holding in your hand at the school?

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