Day Six- Osaka

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Asia » Japan » Osaka » Tondabayashi
July 15th 2007
Published: July 15th 2007
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Day six is kind of a blur in my head right now. Probably becasue I am so tired. Anyways,

Today I think I just hung around the house for a while. Then we went to this old part of Tondabayashi where they had a lot of old houses and everything was very traditional. We went into one old house that was two hundred years old! It was really cool.
We went to aunts house and i spoke english with kies aunt. I then went upstairs and hung out with kie and her cousin for a while. They asked me how old her cousin was, and I said she seemed 17, she was 26. Japanese people seem so young. She has so much manga its amazing. Probably about five hundred books. She had a guitar, too. It was in bad shape, but I got to play a guitar! We went to a couple hyaku en shops and i got omiyage (souvenirs) and some fireworks. We then went back to aunts house, where kies parents were. And we sat around for supper eating okonomi yaki watching the miyazaki film "Tonari no Totoro (My Neighbour Totoro)" Now I am home writing this, going to take a shower and go to sleep.

Tomorrow, I will be in Kyoto and will stay there for a few days. Count on a lot of pictures and a long story 😊.

PS: I gotta be with the nicest family in all of Japan. They always smile and seem really close, are extremely nice and patient with me, always helping me with anything, and they are teh best home cookers i know (sorry mom. Your food is awesome, but theirs is just a little more awesome 😊. If you learn to make ramen, okonomi yaki, etc etc, maybe you will regain your title :D)

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