Happy Canada Day in Japan!!!!!

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July 5th 2006
Published: July 5th 2006
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Happy belated Canada Day!!!!!

On Sunday I invited some of my Japanese friends over to celebrate Canada Day. It´s funny how being in another country for an extended period of time can bring out the patriotic side of someone. When I am in Canada, it feels like any other day except I have the day off from work and there are some fireworks in the sky at night. Not so this year, in the week leading up to Canada Day I found myself gabbing away to myself to my classes about Canada and Canadian culture, thankfully Japanese students are so polite they let me yammer away. I think most they were amazed that a country that has the second largest land mass in the world is only inhabited by 33 million people while their country is the size of the state of California and holds a population of 120 + million folks!

I wanted to prepare a truly ´Canadian menu´for my guests but have to admit I was a little stuck as to what constitutes Canadian food, tortiere, poutine and beavertails were out because the oven is in Japanese and I still haven´t figured out how to work it!
So I settled on sausage on a bun, pasta salad, pretzels, ice cream topped with maple syrup and maple cookies, all washed down with good old Canada Dry Ginger Ale! It only took trips to 5 different foreign food shops around Kobe to collect the items and I was all set.

My friend Marita brought her guitar and we were able to sing some Canadian tunes, even some Neil Young! She even penned a special song just for my party:

Melissa´s Canada Day Song

She came to Japan from a small Canadian Town
Her eyes wide open she wanted to have a good look around

And now Melissa´s at home in
But today is Canada Day!

She made good friends in the short time she´s been here
ECC staff will always lend her their ear
The Himeji Mom´s dance, Noriko´s family sings
And Etsuko´s always there, Melissa knows its here she can ring
When she´s living in Kobe...

All in all it was a great day full of great friends, music and food. I hope you all had a wonderful Canada Day too!

Have a great week and

Marita sings us a tune!
I´ll write again soon.

love, Melissa

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6th July 2006

Wow fen! Looks like quite a spread you put on there! I love all the Canadian Flags! Sadly, you are a MUCH better X-Pat than me! Thanks for spreading the Canadian love! Miss ya!

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