Blogs from Aichi, Japan, Asia - page 13


Asia » Japan » Aichi » Nagoya January 5th 2007

Nabananosato is a tongue twister which takes a couple of days of saying to perfect and a few more to figure out. The information available over the internet is sketchy at the best, and there are more photos than details. It is around 25 kms from Nagoya where I stay and takes around 31 minutes by bus. There is a train route also, taking the Kintetsu line from Nagoya Station, you need to get down at Kuawana Station and take a taxi or bus from there. But bus is the most convenient as it drops you exactly in front of the place and picks you up again from the same. The cost is 850 Yen per head and there are an average of 2 buses every hour. Since it is situated near the Nagashima Water resort ... read more
Another view
Winding Path
Another view

Asia » Japan » Aichi » Nagoya November 6th 2006

Today was an absolutely crazy day. I woke up late - just before 10 and as I had to be out by 10 I rushed to get out. Then I went to find Internet. "Internet?" I asked many people, having to mime a computer as I did it. No one knew. Finally I found one guy who motioned to me to come with him. Expecting to go up to a bunch of computers I followed him and was led into a white room with only a desk up on teh fourth floor, the kind of room they interrogated Neo (from the Matrix) in. I was told to wait with a guy standing over me until 20 minutes later they found someone who could speak English. "How long have you been in Japan?" "Since the 21st." He ... read more

Asia » Japan » Aichi » Nagoya November 5th 2006

Another pretty emotional morning as Nils and I decided to go to the Hiroshima museum again. We then took a taxi to hurry to the train station and get on together. He soon got off in Osaka. Said he was going to spend some relax time working on the piece he has to write on what he thinks of Japan for the newspaper and relaxing before he got back to work. I stayed on the train and got off once again in Nagoya to call Yuno twice and finally meet him at the station. I'd forgotten how much I liked hanging out with Yuno. For everyone who doesn't know yuno used to live in Indiana with an old ex-boyfriend of mine named Jake, and Jake's current girlfriend Jenny. Yuno lived in the US for about 2 ... read more

Asia » Japan » Aichi » Nagoya October 27th 2006

We all want different things in life and we all go about getting those things in different ways sometimes those ways don't make sense to those around us but they are still our ways. One thing we all have in common is none of us want to be alone and we'll do whatever it takes to make sure that never happens. At times we scare ourselves into making us think we are alone but it's never true. I met 3 people today through these circumstances. Two were named Karen and Wayne - grandparents from Hong Kong who had been living in San Francisco for approximately 30 years. It was fun knowing about China and travelling with them - I think I appreciated them more since I knew about China. We met at the Nagoya Castle and ... read more
Nagoya Castle

Asia » Japan » Aichi October 26th 2006

Today I decided to take the train (Japan is probably the best country in the world for trains) to Inuyama (a place Sarah recommended to me). I Think this town was hit upside the head by the ulitmate cute stick. It's a place like this that I would love to learn the language and spend the rest of my life. It's absolutely gorgeous and surrounded on most sides by a canal (which I'm currently sitting beside). Beyond the canal are beautiful small mountains and hills covered in trees. I went to the castle here - which is the oldest in Japan and then to one of Japan's finest teahouses Urakuen before going to eat some of the best Italian food I've ever had in my life at a tiny little mom and pop place recommended by ... read more

Asia » Japan » Aichi October 19th 2006

I've been a busy girl this October. Working six days a week and having plans set for every day off has kept me running. Being under the weather on top of it all has made it a little difficult to keep up, but I've been doing my best. And then the day comes when my body gets a little too pissed off and decides that enough is enough. Such is the case today, so I've taken the day off to recuperate a little and try to nurse myself back to health. So as I take a break from sleeping, I share an update on the happenings of October thus far. On October 8th I was one of 14 718 people who participated in a tea ceremony in Nishio, shattering the world record for the most people ... read more
Nishio Tea Ceremony2
Nishio Tea Ceremony3
Mochi Nage

Asia » Japan » Aichi October 4th 2006

Well folks, I finally found it. A Japanese class for clueless foreigners like myself! The class is an hour and a half once a week in Nishio, the next city over. It is taught by volunteers, so it is surprisingly inexpensive (2000 yen/year!), but there are enough volunteers that each student gets a one-on-one teacher. After my first class last week, I am practicing my hiragana (Japanese syllabary characters) and I am overusing introduction phrases to the point of driving my co-workers mad, originally with laughter, but now more with annoyance. Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Kara Pilon to mosh imas. Kara to yonde, kudasai. Over and over and over. Of course there is more, but I don't want to drive you mad as well! Well, maybe a little. I also learned that "kara" means a few different ... read more
Kimono - The Back
Kimono - Sitting Seiza
Miyoko and Her Doll

Asia » Japan » Aichi September 10th 2006

Life has been same ol' same ol'... Kara's Japan style, that is. More reading, more shopping, more mah jongg computer solitaire than I care to admit to, and some movie watching since the day of my triumphantly simple acquisition of a video rental membership. As always though, there are specific stories worth sharing. I was full of anticipation for this weekend. The plan... a Saturday of r&r, a Saturday night of partying in Nagoya, and a Sunday at the beach! The Saturday of r&r turned out exactly as planned. It was a wonderful day of reading, relaxing, then dinner and a movie sushi style. Saturday evening... a whole other story. When I signed up for the night in Nagoya, I was expecting a birthday get-together for one of the ACC teachers and a lot of staff ... read more
The Beach - Round Two2
My Clams... My Poor Dead Clams

Asia » Japan » Aichi August 27th 2006

Japan has now been home for a month. Thus far, I have passed along stories of interesting predicaments and travels. Perhaps it is time that I give you a glimpse into my daily Japanese world. I will begin with a now familiar topic. Shopping. This has become a staple in my weekly routine. Since my last account of my shopping endeavours, I have learned a few more important lessons as a consumer in Japan. The first made me very happy. As was mentioned previously, I am big in Japan. Fortunately, this goes for bra sizes as well. I was elated to recently purchase a bra that was TWO cup sizes bigger than I wear in Canada! As I proudly carried my new merchandise away from the counter, I thought back to an embarrassing moment in my ... read more
Bike paths2
Bike paths3
Bike paths4

Asia » Japan » Aichi August 16th 2006

Yes, some days do have more than 24 hours. I have to say, changing my flight was a pain in the ass, but in the end rather charming. Let me explain. My original flight back to the states was scheduled for December 13th from Nagoya to Las Vegas via San Fransisco. I called ANA, my airline, told them there was a death in the family and that I needed to change my ticket to leave the sixteenth. They said there was nothing available, but that if I wanted to buy a new BUSINESS CLASS ticket for 3,500, I could get on a flight. Right. So, I cried. And then I called again, and they said the same thing, and I said “Is there anything at all available? I just need to get to Las Vegas. It’s ... read more

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