The Journey - London to Bali

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December 14th 2016
Published: December 23rd 2016
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Leaving on a jet planeLeaving on a jet planeLeaving on a jet plane

At Heathrow before emarking on our new adventure ????✈
....... And we're off on our travels again! After making sure that everything was taken care of for our beloved Charlie at home for the next few months, we make our way to Heathrow, where we are crashing over at the Ibis hotel courtesy of my brother ☺ (thank you). After a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast, we make our way to the airport for our 3pm British Airways flight to Bangkok.

As per usual with these long-haul flights, I do not manage to get any kind of meaningful sleep, so instead enjoy the inflight entertainment and a few too many whiskeys over the 11.5 hrs. Surprisingly, for someone where any kind of a journey acts as a sedative, Aga suffers the same fate (minus the whiskeys). After a pretty uneventful flight, we arrive at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi airport around 9.30am on the 13th Dec. After customs is easily navigated with a new visa stamped in our passports, we then catch a transfer bus to Bangkok Don Meung airport where we are overnighting at the Amari hotel ( One night in Bangkok... ) for our red-eye flight to Bali the following morning.

We arrive at the hotel after spending some time enjoying the sights and sounds of Bangkok traffic, at which point we grab a bite to eat, have a quick shower, and then proceed to catch up on some well-deserved shuteye for a few hours. We wake up for some late dinner, and then promptly back to sleep again for a few more hours before our 4am wakey-wakey for our 6am flight.

So on to our Air Asia flight to Bali - what can we say, the flight is pretty uneventful until we hit some sudden, incredible turbulence about two-thirds of the way through. And when I say turbulence, picture a scene out of a Holywood blockbuster - people who do not have seatbelts buckled literally coming up a few feet out of their seats - this includes my lovely wife! Any kind of beverages or noodley type dishes flying up onto the ceiling of the plane! Anybody standing in the aisle promptly being thrown off their feet! That massive hollow feeling in your gut as it feels for a few seconds as if the plane is in freefall! All of that said, as soon as the captain stabilises the plane, we are all having a good ol' chuckle about it all. Needless to say, the seatbelt signs remained in force for the remainder of the flight ?.

...... And we finally arrive safely at Bali Denpansar airport, make our way through customs with our fresh 30-day visas stamped in our passports, step outside into a haze of heat, and catch a taxi transfer to our hotel in Ubud, where the next step of our adventure begins...


27th December 2016

Sounds like an eventful start to your journey, hopefully you're remaining flights aren't as bad!! Looks like you guys had a fun in sun Christmas though ??. Look forward to the next excerpt. Take it easy.

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