The Hot, The Humid, The Perfect

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October 9th 2008
Published: October 9th 2008
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Let me just say that Bali is amazing! It's the perfect temperature and the right amount of humidity (if that's even possible). I'm sure you are all amazed that I'm saying that since I know I complain about the temperature at home which is nothing like this. I think I'm loving it a little bit more than I would have thought cause it's so much different than Australia and especially Perth.
We got in the night of Oct. 7th and it was pouring rain and I mean pouring, like a terenchial(?) downpour and there was thunder and lightening!!!! It was awesome! The rain was even warm =) We stayed at a hotel called Sayung Maha Mertha but it was a little outta the way from everything plus the pillows were hard as rocks and the steps going up to our room were ridiculous! Seriously, they were soooo steep I thought I was going to fall over walking up them with my backpack on. Don't worry, I took a picture of them haha =)
The next day we walked around Kuta and found a different hotel to stay in. We are now in Beneyasa. It is perfect. We each get our own bed, the pillows are a little bit softer (and only by a small margin) and the pool is amazing!!!! Don't worry, I also took pictures of that =) We have our own balcony which connects to everyone else's on that floor. The bathroom is a little odd but I don't mind. You walk in and there's the sink and mirror then a shower head and drain and then the toilet. We have to remember to close the toilet seat when we want to shower so we don't get the seat all wet haha. This is one incredible experience and I'm loving every minute of it.
Oh, I almost forgot, we rented scooters! Mom, Dad, don't worry we wear helmets and we only go out when it's daylight and we have insurance on it. Oh and Katy is the driver =) It's quite the experience as well haha there are literally no rules when it comes to driving down here, everyone is all over the place but in a semi-safe way haha I think. Don't worry we are super safe and we don't go that fast.
For everyone and anyone who wants to be a millionaire...just come to Indonesia. The exchange rate is crazy!!! $1 US dollar is equal to roughly $10,000 rupiahs. When I go to an ATM, I take out $1,000,000 rupiahs (like $100 US) and boy do I feel rich! And then when I get my statement back, it says that I have like 10 million dollars in my account haha it's fantastic!!!
Alrighty well it's only our 2nd full day here so I don't really have a whole lot to tell you all about but don't worry, I will. Oh! Mom, thank you soooo much for buying me those books =) They are addicting...I bought the 3rd and the 4th...I just started the 4th one last night! Talk about intense and addicting...I've already cried in them from saddness and happiness! I know right!? I must be getting sappy in my old age haha. Well, I love you all!!!!!
Miss you tons!


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