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October 16th 2012
Published: October 16th 2012
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On Sunday I took a day trip to Agra. There is a very new expressway (opened in mid August) that cuts the travel time to about 2.5 to 3.0 hours. A good part of the time is getting out of Delhi onto the expressway and getting into Agra once you leave the expressway. Almost no traffic on fast road, cause it costs about ten dollars, but the road is flat and only for cars. The regular roads range between bad and horrible- potholes that are huge, food markets are set up on the street,cows wander around as they wish, as do goats, children, and far too many cars for the space. Rules of the road are lanes, the white markings on the roads are just decorative as are red lights. You stop,if there is something in front of you that you cannot pass or go around. My driver said he likes the expressway because he finds it fast, but he finds it doubt. And of course, India is right hand drive, so all of this is backwards.

Once there, the Taj Mahal is absolutely stunning. I was prepared to be underwhelmed, afraid it it couldn't possibly live up to the hype, but not so.It is stunningly and achingly beautiful. Quite extraordinary, and photos don't do it justice.

Then a visit to the Agra fort and another masoleum they call the Baby Taj. Both also worth A visit. Interior of the Baby Taj is in relatively good shape, and the wall paintings are lovely.

Yesterday was tour of Old Delhi and Delhi. The city is HUGE, and Old Delhi is a mass of people and buildings and dust. We visited a spice market, and you had to cover your mouth and nose-smell just too intense.

Of course, the guides always want to take you shopping to particular stores, whitch is annoying in any country. In Agra I went to a store/factory where they do the inlay marble work, as in the Taj. Very iinteresting to see,they use semi-precious stones, cut into teeny pieces. Amazing work, but the prices are very high, no doubt reflecting the time and material cost, but I just could not pay $800 plus for a plate....or $200 for a set of four coasters.

Soon off to Bhutan. Would love to hear from you, either email (muttiabroad@ or blog comment.

Some photos attached.


16th October 2012

Thanks for really nice descriptive updates. I haven't been to India - but want to! Really keen to hear about Bhutan too.
17th October 2012

Hi jane: Great to hear from you, and nice to know you are reading the blog. A great adventure,indeed.
16th October 2012

Thanks for the great blog posts, Aunt Deb! We love the pic of you in front of the Taj. Thinking of you. Alice and Erik
17th October 2012

Jealous but happy to be along for the ride
Hi Deb, It is neat to follow along. The Taj sounds awesome. i know that feeling of trying to express something stunning in words or pics- never quite does it. You'll be happy to know it's cold and drab here at home and at the cottage. Keep those blogs a comin'! Sue

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