Blogs from Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India, Asia - page 17


Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh June 7th 2008

Hi, Well, I got back from the wilds today, had my first wash since May 24 or something like that, nice to be back to civilization of some sort. Himalayas were awesome. We spend quite a few days acclimatizing, moving up from Badrinath (3100m) to our first camp at 3700m, then crossed the Holdsworth Pass (4500m) and dropped back down again into the Panpatia Valley where our target peaks were. From here we moved up the valley to Base Camp at 3800m, then established Advanced Base Camp at 4400m, things starting to get a bit chilly and air a bit thin at this stage. From here we had a big day up to High Camp at 5100m on the Panpatia Glacier, where we spent 4 nights camped on the ice, and managed to bag 4 previously ... read more

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh June 3rd 2008

There is a familiar saying that goes ‘Life is what happens when you have other plans’. I’ve found this to be particular true in India, a country in which the main lesson seems to be surrender. Things have a life and pace of their own here. You can make all the plans in the world, but if Mother India isn’t ready to let you go, something will happen to keep you just a little bit longer. And sometimes, a lifetime of experiences can occur within a week or two. This is exactly what has been going on for me recently. I finally managed to leave Rishikesh on 10th May, almost on schedule and only three days late, with MJ for a week-long trip into the Himalayas. After this, I had decided, I would take a break ... read more
A pretty buffalo...
... and its even prettier owner
Locals in Chopta

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh May 30th 2008

It's been a while! Dan - So we were on the train chatting away when a small girl no older than 11 came cartwheeling down the train aisle and then back doing some crappy dance and jumping through a hoop, so once she was done her and her mother came round with the pot to put money in. some gave, when the pot was handed to us we refused and we received glares as if they were all saying "Look the rich gorra's are so tight", let me tell you why we didn't put in bit*h, When I was 10 I had mastered the moonwalk, the running man, and could windmill, (breakdance moves) so I was simply not entertained enough. IF YOU'RE GOING TO BUSK MAKE SURE YOU CAN ENTERTAIN!! Nic - Since we last updated ... read more
Monitor Lizard
The Elusive Tiger
Chotiwala and Dan...

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh May 24th 2008

Rishikesh, town of ashrams, yogis, temples and meditation, has been a fantastic insight into Indian religion. Although, unfortunately, my knowledge of Hinduism and Buddhism has been only very slightly increased, I have been surrounded by the sound of mantras and temple bells throughout my days here, and been greeted by the vibrant colours of women's sarees and the clothing of sadhus (holy men) as i wonder the streets. The town is based around the River Ganga, much like Varanasi, except without the pollution, and the backpacker area is monitered mainly on two sides in the north of the town, in two areas known as High Bank on one side of the river, and Laxman Jhula on the other side (where i am staying). There are many ashrams where one can practice yoga and meditation, which i ... read more

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh May 22nd 2008

We arrived in India on 7 May and we've barely thought about what day, date or time it is since then (except when absolutely necessary). First impressions are lasting, and on our Air India flight to Delhi, the matronly flight attendant dressed in traditional Indian clothes gave us extra strong whiskey with a friendly laugh and I liked India already. Generous and warm. And warm it really was. We set foot at the Delhi airport at about 11.30pm and it was HOT. Dry heat. And the airport was being renovated and despite being an international airport, it felt like the kind of airport you'd find in a small town. There were masses of people with signs and all the Indian men were staring at the Western women. The Indian men were also sitting on each other's ... read more
Ashram Bedroom
The Ganges

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh May 17th 2008

Forget an intro, lets jump right in: The last time I left you all, I was heading up into the mountains... so at first, Wojcieck (the Polish guy I've been travelling with) and I had thought to use a guide. It was very cheap, only $30 per person per day, and that included all your gear as well as someone to carry it up for you. Then we started thinking... if it only costs 30 bucks, how much will they really do? So instead of the guide, we bought a map for a dollar and walked up ourselves. It was an 11km hike, with an altitude change of 1100 meters, no easy deal, but the view from the top was spectacular. I tried to take some pictures that could catch the feeling of the place, but ... read more
half-way cafe
snow line

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh May 14th 2008

Aaaaaaaaand I'm still in rishikesh. Quick update: I completed & received a certificate of completion of trika/agama yoga. Yay for me! I moved 2 rooms down from me - the room has a kitchen. I also adopted a new doggy named Maya. She is the sweetest ever! she likes milk & puppy food in the AM & the baba next door gives her chopatis for lunch. So very cute. pics to come... I was also initiated into Kriya yoga yesterday by Swami Shankarananda Giri. An amazing, powerful & beautiful swami that awoke our chakras so that we can learn to purify it through our prana. More info here: I've already practiced it 3 times & it is amazing. This is not only good for me, but also good for you - as this yoga will ... read more
another trika pic
Trika trika trika

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh May 11th 2008

We got up early yesterday, and by 7:30 we were heading down the mountain towards the river, with the intention of climbing the mountains on the other side to see a temple dedicated to Shiva. The guidebook told us it was a 7 kilometer walk, and that it should take 3 hours. Happily, we set off, skipping breakfast but already planning where to eat brunch when we returned. Seven hours later, tired, hungry, stroppy and sunburnt, we were still walking home. Having walked 16 kilometers, we had seen some spectacular views, climbed several Himalayan mountains, made it to the temple (which I was, unfortunately, not allowed to photograph - it might be the most impressive building I've ever seen in my life!), been adopted by two groups of Indians travelling to and from the temple, fed ... read more

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh May 11th 2008

In Rishikesh as things are fairly spaced out many people hire motorbikes while they are here to make getting about easier. Having been several years since Stoppard had sold his Vespa he was more than a little willing to get his hands on a motor bike again and have a ride; we have decided to hire an enfield when we get to Manali and to take it into the hills and try and stay in some of the villages but thought the extra practice while we were in Rishikesh couldn't hurt. Yesterday we found a place in the morning that would rent us a bike for the day, much to Stoppards dissapointment it was a rather crappy 125cc that was falling apart with a clutch that was on its last legs, however as long as it ... read more

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh May 10th 2008

4 hours in 3 hours back 2 monkey feedings 2 adoptions 1 monkey attack + 1 amazing temple = Best day in India yet We woke early, planning on hiking our way out to a temple 7km away. Called Neelkanth, it refers to an incident in Hindu mythology where Shiva drank some poison from the ocean and turned his throat blue (Neelkanth means "blue throat"). The morning was cool, an the day planned to be mild, reaching no more than 95 degrees Farenheit. We had to walk a few kilometers out from Rishikesh to get to the trailhead, which was made instantly recognizable by the presence of a local businessman and a wild hilarious of langur monkeys. Langurs are large monkeys, with the males reaching 3-4 feet high, 40-50 pounds, with a very long tail. ... read more
Lucy feeding a different monkey
Jason feeding another monkey
Did we mention there were monkeys??

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