Blogs from Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, Asia - page 41


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur May 17th 2006

"Chai chai...chai chai chai" shouts the 9th passing vendor holding a kettle or bucket to the train windows. How any of them can make ends meet competing with the other 17 (or so) sellers is beyond me, but they keep at it, in case a passenger missed the 'chai' call the 95th time, and may actually now want some. Chai is one of India's main drinks, tea with lashings of sugar and synonymous with India's trains. England could learn a thing or two from their cousins abroad when it comes to these long, moving things - they're quick, extensive and plentiful, every station is connected to the National Booking System by computer, and if you don't mind the occasional crowds or stink from the abysmal toilets, they're a great way of travelling. First you must book ... read more
Kota buildings
Mafia Dancers
Lunch time for the women

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur May 11th 2006

inzwischen haben wir unseren weg ueber delhi runter durch das heiss saengende (45 - 48 gerad) rajasthan gebahnt. sind mittlerweile in udaipur. mit bus und bahn bewegen wir uns langsam weiter (verspaetung in der regel 5 - 8 std.). natuerlich auch ueber ein weiteres highlight der taj mahal. ich muss schon sagen wirklich beeindruckend und auch die vielen menschen drum rum konnte man stundenlang beobachten. indien brodelt nicht nur hitze maessig. auch die menschen massen sind ueberall deutlich spuerbar. ich habe das gefuehl das indien, besonders die staedte, jedem moment im choas versinken. eigentlich ist der punkt schon ueberschritten, der kollaps schon lange eingetreten. anscheint koennen staedte nicht untergehen, sonst wuerden so einige nicht mehr existieren. aber sie leben und wie es lebt! so befindet sich auf den strassen ohne ampel das reinste chaos. hunde, rickshaws, ... read more
der verkehr,  wie er leibt und lebt!
morgens in der blauen stadt
im bus

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur April 25th 2006

It's no wonder that the Lioness feels right at home in this city of palaces....... splashed out on a pair of gold earings set with rubies today and feel like a Maharani. the bus for Jaiselmer leaves tonight at 9:30pm IST (Indian Stretchable Time)... read more
Jain Temple
thumbs up

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur April 23rd 2006

the city street slope up and down and there are palaces everywhere as well as a big lake which is now full of water after being 2 seasons dry....which is some feat as it'a a huge lake! hooray for the morning shit! city palace witht he Prince of Jaiselmer buying shoes buying books buying jewelery at massage guru dude's place flirting boys keep getting younger and younger have one more day tomorrow then off to Jaisemer.... read more
Maharaji tombs

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur April 11th 2006

Well, we finally did it - photos!! I've been at it for 2 hours now. This is a very slow process, so I've only posted photos for a few places. But, enjoy what we've got so far. K.... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur April 10th 2006

We're having a great time, as you can tell by our lack of commitment to our travel blog. I guess we were a bit over ambitious thinking that we would be disciplined enough to stay on top of it. Oh well. After we plied ourselves off the beaches of Goa, we headed inland to see two World Heritage Sites: Ellora and Ajanta. Both are a series of temples carved out of basalt (volcanic rock) cliffs, but the two locations are quite different. Ellora consists of three series of over 34 cave temples: some Buddhist, some Hindu, and some Jain. They date from the 16th century. The main attraction is a Hindu temple called Kailash, which is the largest monolithic structure in the world. That is, it is carved out of one solid piece of rock! Thus, ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur April 9th 2006

So currently in Udaipur - the official home of James Bond in India but more on that in a bit. We left Jodhpur - another bum-numbing bus journey but this one was a bit better as half-way through we got off the bus and visited the amazing Jain temple complex at Ranakpur. The main temple was absolutely amazing - it was very intricately carved and the temple itself was a forest of 1444 pillars! It was really cool as the pictures suggest. This temple complex was at the bottom of a valley and the bus onwards to Udaipur climber up this valley and there was some fantastic scenery, rolling hills, plunging rivers - i expected Indian scenery to mainly be flat desert, especially where we are but this scenery was very nice. For the first hour ... read more
Inside Ranakpur!

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur April 3rd 2006

My next three destinations all occupy the southern section of the very large state of Rajastan. After leaving Bundi, my next destination was a whistle stop tour of Chittorgarh, a town boasting what is billed as the finest fort in Rajastan, as well as some one-of-a kind architecture that you just have to visit to appreciate. The town isn't supposed to be that great to stay in, so I went to Udaipur that evening, which is widely considered to be most romantic city in the 'Stan. I wanted to describe an experience I had riding the train - I had to buy an unreserved seat ($1) on the train because I was buying the ticket just before it arrived, but the unrerverved seating cars where it entitled me to sit had people hanging out of the ... read more
Bundi - Monkey
Bundi - Fort
Chittor Palace Ruins

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur April 3rd 2006

Sajjan Garh, a former monsoon palace 1100 foot high above the surrounding and 3100 foot from sea level, was built by Maharana Sajjan Singh in 1884. This palace is absolutely amazing, it offers a panoramic overview of the city's lakes, palaces and surrounding country side and you can just wander around inside as you like. It is exactly how it was 100 years ago, it’s like the family just left and took all the furniture. You can just stand on these bedroom balconies and imagine that you are back in time. Irene and I spent quite a while wandering around and imagining ourselves back in time! The views were spectacular and the whole surrounding area is wooded as the former rulers had a royal shooting preserve there. Now there is a nature museum downstairs and you ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur April 2nd 2006

Udaipur is the jewel of Mewar kingdom ruled by the Sisodia dynasty for 1200 years. There is a legend assocaiated with the foundation of the city. According to it, Maharana Udai Singh, the founder, was hunting one day when he met a holy man meditating on a hill overlooking the Lake Pichhola. The hermit blessed the Maharana and advised him to build a palace at this favorable located spot with a fertile valley watered by the stream, a lake, an agreeable altitude and an amphitheater of low mountains. Maharana followed the advice of the hermit and founded the city in 1559 A.D. I would love to say we planned to see the Mewar Festival in Udaipur but obviously as it was Irene and I, we were lucky enough for out time in Udaipur to coincide with ... read more
heading out on the river
heading out on the river
towards the city palace

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