Blogs from Ranakpur, Rajasthan, India, Asia - page 2


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Ranakpur March 7th 2012

Yesterday afternoon, my currently-single friend Pintu arrived unexpectedly early at the Aashiya Haveli. It was only to say he still had some shopping to do for his marriage clothes and would be back later. It was a brief but very happy reunion for us both. Later did come – very much later! It was not until nearly 10.30p.m. that we reached the home of his cousin Pradeep for drinks and snacks, followed by a midnight dinner of rice, chicken curry and a very tasty rabbit in spicy sauce, all kindly prepared by his wife, Meetu. His two energetic sons, five-year-old Mahi and Keshav, almost two-years-old, provided the entertainment! Pradeep is a senior officer in the Rajasthan Administration Service (RAS), responsible for the beautification of Udaipur. His is a prestigious position that comes with a house, servants ... read more
Ranveer and Gajendra
Maharani Bagh

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Ranakpur December 31st 2009

We departed Jodhpur at the extremely civilised hour of 10am and set off for the small town Ranakpur which is about 90kms before Udaipur. Ranakpur is famous for its very elaborate Jain Temple which is constructed from very intricately carved white marble. The Jain religion began in the 6th century BC and is kind of an offshoot from Hinduism. They are very strict vegetarians (no eggs) and the really devout followers cover their mouths with a scarf to avoid inhaling bugs and carry a broom to sweep the path before they walk so they don’t crush insects. The temple was incredible; elaborate is a massive understatement. As soon as you walk up the stairs into the temple you are overwhelmed by hundreds of carved columns (no two the same) supporting an equally intricate roof. The temple ... read more
Inside the temple
A rare photo of Scott

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Ranakpur December 29th 2009

photos from Ranakpur en route from Udaipur to Jodphur... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Ranakpur November 12th 2009

We left Jaipur by car for a six hour journey to Udaipur. We stopped half way at Ranakpur to see the amazing temple. It has 1444 carved columns of which no two are the same. They are all perfect bar one as they say that only God can be perfect therefore they deliberately made one column wonky. This has to be the most amazing carved temples we saw on our whole trip. James and I had to wear the given outfits, these are not part of our new wardrobe!!!... read more
James and Chloe

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Ranakpur August 2nd 2009

Yet again we caught a taxi to our next destination - it is becoming too easy to take the simple, all be it , more expensive option of a taxi! We were off to Udiapur, considered to be one of the most romantic cities in India. The famous Lake Palace Hotel (where we wouldn't be staying!) will actually be surrounded by water which it hasn't been, until a fortnight ago, for over 2 years. The drought has hit this area of Rajhastan pretty hard. We were taking a detour though en route to the Jain temples at Ranakpur - which came highly recommended but which we had never heard of. What an absolute delight they proved to be. The Jain religion principles are not to harm any living things and the pilgrims sweep the footpath in ... read more
Ranakpur Temple
Exterior carving - there were thousands of these figures on the outside
Marble carving, exterior

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Ranakpur June 23rd 2009

Early the following morning we were picked up by our driver (who amusingly gets a furrowed brow of confusion during every conversation attempt) to go to Ranakpur, which is ninety kilometres north of Udaipur. There was a new highway being carved out of the mountains, and the road itself seemed to encapsulate modern India. Cars took guesses at where to drive on the unfinished roads while the diggers were still making them. This meant that there were boulders in the road that drivers had to keep getting out of their cars to move out the way. People were sat in the road painting the road markings by hand, and dogs, goats, donkeys and camels were all being narrowly avoided by the traffic. Buses passed us with people packed in like sardines and piled onto the roof ... read more
our cottage
old school ox cart
outside of jain temple

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Ranakpur February 7th 2009

Hello! Sorry or the delay, im playing catch up again! So I finished up my last blog in Jodphur, which as you could probably tell I wasnt a great fan of. But things got a hell of alot better! Our next stop was a village called Bhenswara, on route we visited a Bishnoi Village, where for some reason it is legal for them to use opium. We sat in this guys house as he prepared and smoke opium, we even took pictures, apparently its part of their culture so its allowed! They give it to newborn babies up until the age of 6 months and then use herbal remedies to wean them off of it, then at the age of about 12 the boys get to start up again! From there we went to a traditional ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Ranakpur January 21st 2009

Our 'pit-stop' at one of the Jain temples at Ranakpur turned out to be one of the most awe-inspiring places we visited and our free meal there was actually the best food we had the whole trip in my humble opinion! First of all we had an amazingly great day weatherwise with brilliant bright blue skies and sun so hot it sent us running for the shade. Chaumukha Mandir (Four-Faced temple) is the biggest and the most important Jain temple in India. The Jain religion is very interesting in that they believe in a very pure form of non-violence such that many cut of all hair, including plucking all hair including eyelashes as it is thought that the micro-organisms in them may get damaged or killed when hair is brushed/washed or rubbed! This also obviously affected ... read more
India 2009 195
India 2009 196
India 2009 194

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Ranakpur January 20th 2009

We've checked out of our cute little heritage hotel and head to Ranakpur, site of the largest Jain temple. It is carved in marble in 1439 AD and contains over 1,400 carved columns.... read more
Jain Temple
Temple Columns
Road to Jodhpur

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Ranakpur January 9th 2009

Resumen de las actividades del día: Traslado en taxi compartido desde Jodhpur hasta Udaipur. Visita de los templos jainistas de Ranakpur (entrada gratuita, cámara 50 Rs). Visita al fuerte de Kumbhalgarh (entrada: 100 Rs). Llegada al hotel Udai Niwas en Udaipur. Habíamos puesto el despertador a las 7:00 hs. El vehículo que nos llevaría hasta Udaipur debería recogernos a las 7:30. Sin embargo, pocos minutos después de las 5 de la madrugada me despierto plácidamente. Siento una voz melodiosa que me incita a hacer algo que hace tiempo que no hago. Permanezco con los ojos cerrados. La voz no se detiene. Insiste. No, no lo haré. No he venido a eso. Además, nos espera un día muy largo. No entiendo como tanta gente puede hacerlo a las 5:00 de la mañana. De todos modos, la excusa ... read more
Templo jainista de Ranakpur (1)
Templos jainistas de Ranakpur
En el frente del templo

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