Day 7 Jaipur

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Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur
March 5th 2019
Published: March 5th 2019
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Hi everyone,

At 6.15 am we set off for a 3 hour safari. At this time of the morning it’s pretty chilly so we wrapped up and took blankets and hot water bottles with us. It was so cosy. After more bone rattling roads we were delighted to see two more tigers. What a result. After a late breakfast we moved on to Jaipur. It had warmed up by now and the sun was shining. The route was different so we avoided the horrible unfinished roads. It took 4 hours. On the way we stopped at a community run Craft project aimed at getting women earning for themselves by making all sorts of different crafts. It was very interesting and their work was so inspiring. As we proceeded to Jaipur we passed wild boar sitting and sleeping on pavements,a huge group of sheep being herded in the middle of a busy main road by their shepherd and then an unexpected sight. A caravan of camels on the other side of the road walking along the pavement. So cute especially the baby camels. Luckily the driver who will be with us for the rest of our time in India up until we fly to Goa is really sweet. He says we are his family and although he isn’t well off treated us to a cup of chi and bought us both a bottle of beer(huge ones) which I had to put in my bag when we entered the hotel. They wanted to carry it for me but I was too embarrassed to agree incase the bottles knocked together And they thought I was a wild woman?

The hotel is certainly not decorated in a minimalist style. It’s quite beautiful in parts and tasteless in others.Its wonderful! It has been in the hands of an aristocratic family for a number of generations and they still live here. Dinner was a lovely buffet served on the rooftop. Whilst we ate ,there were traditional Indian dancers and music, quite entertaining. It’s been a long day so I’ll finish now but I’ll be back tom all being well. Jane

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Photos: 12, Displayed: 12



Deer and sambar at watering hole

Shepherding sheep on the main road

Camels walking along the side of the road

Look at this cute baby on the end

Note for people at toll gate

5th March 2019

Never seen a wild boar wearing a hat before
6th March 2019

Old boar
6th March 2019

Today's update
We've just seen your day 7 update on the phone but there seems to be a problem with the iPad as it's not connecting to the internet. Lesley has shown me how to comment. xx

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