Illness in India

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October 11th 2007
Published: January 21st 2008
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My parents came for a visit in October. Their trip, sadly, started off my taking me to the hospital. (I guess thats what moms are for, demanding a doctors visit even if you say your fine, but clearly you are not.)

My first (and knock on wood only) trip to the hospital here in Delhi was an adventure. Via our companies health system I called a local number and talked to a doctor who got me an appointment with a physician at the best Delhi hospital.

My symptoms were 5 days with no appetite and a 101 degree fever. Some head pain....all over blah feeling. I had done some research and decided I had Dengue fever...nobody believed me.

My mom came in with me to the doctor and she examined my skin found a rash that I hadn't noticed and I knew my Dengue diagnosis was just a blood test away.

The first lab results came back negative for Malaria and other parasites (thank goodness)...but "equivocal" for Dengue. Meaning...I had to get tested again the next day.

The following day I returned for more tests and, yep a few days later while on Safari the news came back. Positive for Dengue. But by that point I was feeling MUCH better....almost all the way better. But it was funny, those that were doubting my illness ( husband) started treating me like I was a glass statue. He wanted to talk to a doctor about what to do next...wanted me to rest, could he get me tea? I assured him and others I was just fine and that not many people can say they've had a blood born illness -- and survived to tell the tale!


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