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January 21st 2008
Published: January 21st 2008
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Family TimeFamily TimeFamily Time

My folks and Dan and I at Khem Villas near Ranthanbor National Tiger Reserve.
My, oh my. Its been a while.

Way to long....My last few months have been busy....

My parents visited in October for 2 weeks. (saw 4 tigers!)

4 days later my cousin Beth came for a visit...and stayed for 3 weeks! (oh we had so much fun!)

2 days later I left for a month long visit at home in the US. (home sweet home!!)

We arrived back to Delhi just in time for a quiet Christmas and New Years.

And on January 9th my brother and sister-in-law came for a visit. (explored Delhi and an old palace)

(oh and for about 2 weeks I had no recollection of my user name/password for signing on to the blog...big oops!)

Its no excuse for not writing...but I'll do my best this week to get this thing up to speed.

I'll be pulling excerpts from all my visitors blogs...and adding photos too.

Best Regards,


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