getting ready

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December 10th 2008
Published: December 10th 2008
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So the funniest coincidence happened the other day. - you may need to "stick with" this post - it gets a bit difficult to recite, retype and remember.
A friend from work (Dee) said a friend of hers (Ali) and her friend (Conleth) were going to India for Christmas. Dee thought it was funny that now there were four of her friends going to India at the same time, and wouldn't it be funny if we met up!.

In conversation, she asked Ali where in India, its a big place, and her friend said Varkala - its a small seaside place, you'd never hear of it.
Well, said she, "not only have I heard of it, but; a) I was there ten years ago and b) the two guys I share office space with are going ther - for Christmas too".
So, hot foot back to GEC, Dee says to me, "Isn't it funny here's me gob smacked you have been and are returning to sleepy Varkla, but now my two friends are going there too!"
While we were still laughing at "how small the world is etc" I said, "Conleth, not Conleth xxxx? "Yes" said she - " do you know him? " " Know him, I splurted through my tea, "I only worked with him for a couple of years and whats more he lives around the corner from me and cycles by my house a lot! I know Conleth a long time! he's a great guy.

So after much laughter and returning to normal etc we asked Dee where she was spending Christmas. She replied that this year she would not be spending it in a Retreat in Co. Cork but would be going to UK after Christmas. I mentioned that two of our friends also went to a retreat in Cork. We chatted about this for a bit. Dee wondered what our friends names were.

"Breda and Liz", I replied.......
"is that Breda and Liz etc etc etc film producers -Goldfish Memory etc " ? said Dee.
"Yes... er do you know them?" -
"I Know Breda for years " said Dee. " I sharecd with her best friend Mia.
" Thats hilarious" I said, " They are our Neighbours and are our closest friends - in fact they are coming for Brunch on Sunday!" So the only link in this chain is Mia. No doubt if I turn a page I'll find I'm related to her or something. I think its great that in Dublin you are only two degrees of seperation from anyone!
Talk soon
Exhausted - and I haven't even left Dublin.



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