Rob in Varkala

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April 21st 2007
Published: April 21st 2007
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Hi again

We arrived in Varkala yesterfay afternoon, and just like Sri Lanka it looks awesome. There's an excellent view from the long cliff along the sea, with some steps down to the beach. There are shops, restraunts and bars all along the cliff top, as well as guest houses and hotels. We're staying in Bamboo village, in 2 very comfortable bamboo huts, which are clean and have proper toilets and showers and large beds, even if the rooms are a bit small. They're cheaper than the hotle we used in Trivandrum where Nicole and Eileen were attacked by bedbugs. I'll take some photos of everything, but for now I've put up some photos from Sri Lanka and Eileen's birthday last night.

For Eileen's birthday it was decided to use Nicole's eye liner to draw moustaches on everyone, it was a bit childish but we stopped noticing after time. Then we ate at an Italian restaurant before staying in a clifftop bar until abour 4 in the morning. It was very relaxing and we slept until about midday today, which was good. Today I've bought some new swimming shorts after the elastic was going on my old ones and I picked up some beads which look quite cool around my wrists. There's not too much else to report, we have 3 more nights here, I plan to spend time on the beach and relax.

Hope you're all well.



22nd April 2007

Great to see some photos of Sri Lanka. By the way, who or what is James??
27th April 2007

James is a puppy
The french guy owned a few dogs and there was one puppy called James, who had a broken leg at one stage whilst we were there.

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