Goodbye Goa, Hello Om Beach

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April 4th 2007
Published: April 4th 2007
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Firstly I should explain the internet is slower than a tortoise towing a caravan up a 8000ft mountain, with no roads and constant land slides, in most places I visit, so you have to bear with me that I cant be arsed to spend all day writing and of course trying to save often enough that I don’t loose everything I’ve written in yet another bloody power cut...

4th-9th April 2007

So I left the lovely James which was pretty sad, we had spent a lot of time together and become good friends but the time had come for me to move on and as the Israeli girls were heading in the same direction it seemed logical to travel with them as we all got on so well. We caught the train just 2 hours south to a place called Gokarn where we decided to stay on Om Beach. It was a crazy place with waves like I had never experience before, the undercurrent meant that sometimes you were trapped with the waves coming at you from both directions (shore and out to sea) and then next thing you know you would be tumbling through the water hitting the sand and anything else that might be in your 2 weeks 2 people drowned there, 1 was right outside of our "hotel", Om beach had a strange vibe that invited you to start appreciating everything you take for granted on a day to day basis..

To be honest I dont have alot to write about this time, it would be fairly boring for you as it was the little things that made Om beach and the realisation that I really am away traveling and it feels incredibly right. It’s something I should have done a long time ago...


15th May 2007

Whoa Chick !
This all sonds super darling, although I am a little concerned by you using the word 'Aura' so much. I like incense and a herbal ciggie as much as the next girl but there is no need to go all tie -dye and spiritual on us ! Give me your address and I'll send some emergency champane and your hair straighteners !! Seriously babe, this all sounds fabulous - go find yourself and come back safe in the knowledge that we will always love you whatever happens
23rd May 2007

Dont worry i'm not soft......yet...
Bless your cotton socks babe..

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