Blogs from Leh, Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir, India, Asia - page 8


Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh December 29th 2008

'The mind loves the unknown. It loves images whose meaning is unknown, since the meaning of the mind itself is unknown.' Rene Magritte. 'There are many comparisons to be made between mountains and the human race. You can love them, but you do not always have to like them.' Julie Tellis. I received an SMS from a friend of mine who was in Ladakh recently. The SMS goes on to say, 'had gone to Thiksey Monastery today.. . When you sit on the terrace you can see the entire valley surrounded by these barren majestic mountains... as close to god am ever going to get :).' She was no farther from the truth than most of us who pack our bags and embark on a journey. At some point during the excursion we let ourselves ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh October 15th 2008

Because reading novels is preferred over writing them we will keep it to bullet points. (and also because the power goes out every 15 minutes and erases our prose) Posted along the road to the Sham Trek: "Don't be risky and drink the whiskey" "Be Mr. Late, not Late Mr." "If you sleep, your family will weep." Riding along the highway to Likir we chuckled with white knuckles. The road, questionable at best, wrapped around the Ladakhi mountainside 1,000 feet above the Indus River. Bends surprised us with military transports and other stretches gave us a moment of reprieve. The Sham Trek: No white people. No tourists. Period. Don't dip your (used) toothbrush in Elizabeth's (clean) water bottle. "There are very few things on this trek that I can control, and a clean water bottle is ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh October 10th 2008

We are off to Likir to begin our six day trek. Given the inconsistency of internet in the largest town of the Ladakh region, don't expect to hear from us until the 17th. The weather is finally bluebird and we are looking forward to treking through the eastern corner of the Himalayas. Our health is now 100% now that we are acclimatized. Elizabeth has been taking the Diamox consistently and I have made it through a day of AMS. Hopefully we will be able to post pictures but this will not happen until we find ourselves in Jaipur on the 17th. Wishing you well, Dustin and Elizabeth... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh October 9th 2008

It was a journey getting here. It took over 40 hours - most of which was flight time. We arrived and left Delhi in the dark, although it should have appeared to be dawn as we boarded the plane. The smog from the city of 16 million people created a grey curtain overhead; we were only able to see the sky when we were at 5,000 feet. It was dawn at the time of our departure, but we just didn't realize it! Status. It is like rehab. You leave a country full of caffeine, meat, oxygen, and a reasonable internet connection and it just hurts. But it is a beautiful place here in Leh. The air is crisp and clean (aside from an old generation of diesel trucks that brush by you on the alleyways). Cows. ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh September 20th 2008

Like anyother day, I gathered collegues (whose work dedication raises to alarming level when someone calls them for Lunch), managed to find a table in ever filled canteen, munched politicis, managers and gossips apart from the same ol' canteen menu and finally returned to my cube . " Mountain Biking in Ladakh" is a good catch word, likely to wake you even in a drowsy afternoon. Finding it in Youth hostels website, I thought I would give it a try. Now comes the odds of reality, My financial status was in all time low, less than a week available to make reservations and getting a 10 days leave is clearly a mammoth task in my office. I had nothing to lose by trying, besides it would be half the real fun. so I gave it ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh September 14th 2008

Nachdem wir nach harten 18 Stunden Fahrt endlich und mit grosser Erleichterung in Leh ankommen (nach ueber 10 Stunden Fahrt faengt man an der Endlichkeit der Fahrt an zu zweifeln) lassen wir uns, zu erschoepft und erfroren um zu protestieren, in ein Hotel "five minute walk to center" verschleppen. Es gibt zwar momentan keinen Strom, aber zumindest ein Bett und Kerzen. Die Busfahrt hatte neben den atemberaubenden views auch eine weitere positive Begleiterscheinung: Wir lernen zwei liebe Amerikaner, eine Deutsche und eine 50/50 Schottin/Amerikanerin kennen, mit denen wir unsere Tage in Leh verbringen. Leh liegt auf 3500 Metern und ist dementsprechend kuehl, theoretisch halten allerdings die rundum liegenden Berge das Schlechtwetter ab, also gibt es ueber 300 Sonnentage pro Jahr. Aber die Statistik ist ein Hund und wir haben gleich einmal ein wenig Regen am ersten ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh September 11th 2008

On September 8th we set out for a three day excursion to the Nubra valley. We had managed to negotiate what we thought was a pretty fair deal for the trip. A few days prior Mattius and I bumped into a Belgian couple we had met while staying at the dessert tent camp in Serchu, on our way to Leh from Manali. They informed us that they had booked a SUV taxi for the following day to take them around to see the sights, and offered us the other two seats in the vehicle free of charge. It was a pretty tough offer to refuse as we were both planning to see the same sights over two days by walking, and using public transport. The day of sightseeing was actually great. We had fabulous weather and ... read more
Weather just starting to get bad
Everyone but us

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh September 8th 2008

I knew that a culture shock would be waiting for me… so I prepared myself - Thank you, Jonas, for such a lot of good information about India! Some of you told me that maybe they’re going to go to India - so I write pretty detailed… I’ll do paragraphs so you can choose those one you’re interested in - it’s a lot! Or just have a look at the photos! As you’ll see I had to start several times to write everything down and often there was no internet - next time I try to write it in a better way!!! But if I don’t publish it now I’ll never do it. Sorry for that anyway! I tried it for 2 hours to upload fotos - but unfortunally it didn't work... ahhhhhhhhh - but I'll ... read more
Shrinagar/ Kashmere/ Northwest-India
Shrinagar/ Kashmere/ Northwest-India
Shrinagar/ Kashmere/ Northwest-India

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh September 5th 2008

Djulee, Een eerste teken van leven vanuit het hoge noorden in India. In vrij korte tijd is er al enorm veel beleefd, gezien, geroken, genoten, gehoord en geproefd. Wees dus voorbereid op een langdradig teken van leven. Donderdag de 28ste maakten we, na 27 uur vliegen/wachten/vliegen en wachten, voor het eerst kennis met de Himalaya vanuit het vliegtuig naar Leh. Een waanzinnig gezicht bij een opkomende zon. Onder zie je, vanaf zo'n hoogte vrij liefelijke, maar ook grillige, droge, besneewde, begletsjerde en dus mooie bergen. Bergen waar geen leven mogelijk lijkt en waar we de komende 3 maanden voor ons plezier doorheen zullen gaan stappen. Goed na zo'n pokke reis (daar onkwamen we niet aan als we niet in Delhi wilden blijven) ben je moei, gaar, smerig en slaperig. In Leh zijn we een hotel ingecheckt ... read more
Klooster boven Leh
Even rust...
Werkende vrouwen

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh September 3rd 2008

It has been a few days since I updated my travelblog, and though I would like to bring everyone right up to speed with what I have been up to over the last week this is going to have to be a really small post. I made the trip from Manali to Leh in three days, but was really quite sick for most of it. I am not sure if it was a mild case of altitude sickness that ended up becoming a migraine headache, or just a migraine headache itself, but I spent four days total without sleep. The altitude didnt seem to have any effect on me either ascending, or descending, so I think it was just one of those headaches that I sometimes get. Now that it has finally cleared up, I have ... read more
Me at 17,680 ft.
A young boy and his mother living at 16,000 ft
Outside Manali

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