I don't have much to say, and if I did...

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August 11th 2006
Published: August 11th 2006
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After a week of incessant raining, which I was finally learning to cope with, the sun came out in full force yesterday . Cori and I decided to go to the Bhagsunag Hindu Temple's public pool which is practically a River flowing into a large square area from under the temple. No Pictures; Sorry.
The sun was almost out and the riverwater was cold as a himalaya river could be. A very bad time for a tibetan man to ask me for swimming lessons because I have a primitive form of what Jon calls a 'crawl' and this man had quite a lovely doggy paddle. I'd say we failed.
After we left the pool, the sun really came out and we went to the Bhagsu waterfall which I can only complain about the cafe nearby that charged me an exorbinant 30 rupees for Maggi, which turned out to be ramen.
I spent the night up in Dharamkhot at a restaurant where the hindi owners spoke Hebrew as well as I did; I soon discovered why people were staying in that village after I tried their wood oven pizza. Walked home quite late through the forest testing to make sure I still had night vision, and on the way I found out why Hindis believe dogs to be reincarnated criminals when I started a gang war in the middle of town where I was attacked by one of the rival gnags after sushing them. Apparently demeanor and a swinging water bottle is enough to hold them off, though sadly I see some of those damn dogs outside this window currently. I reached home as finally the first bit of normal weather turned up when thunder and lightning put on a show for me from my balcony.
Sadly, it was at this time I noticed my stomach felt a lot like the sky above and I didn't know what to expect soon. I'll go no further then mentioning that since I am staying at a monastery, the toilets are not the best for sicknesses, if you consider they are not toilets at all.
I see I've overwritten, so basically today was a long sick day where the nicest weather so far came out to visit with barely any clouds and a big bright sun just to laugh at me. On the brighter less sick side of things, I took care of my laundry, and learned about the cafe owner of the monastery who pays less than 100 dollores rent to run the dilapidated yet simply enjoyable restaurant/house.

What is next? there's that Dalai Lama dude in the few days, which will be a likely packed and tough experience if all goes well.


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