Rob in Goa

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May 1st 2007
Published: May 1st 2007
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Hi again, I'm currently in Palolem, supposedly the most idillyc beach in Goa and it's not so much a party place like northern Goa, it's got more chilled out beach bars and restaurants like Varkala. We've found a good place to say and that's about all there is to say, I've only just got here. I have treated myself to handing in a load of clothes to a laundry woman who has a machine, I feel like I haven't worn any properly clean clothes for ages, and it's almost a fortnight since I even handwashed them, and I couldn't be bothered to hand wash almost everything I had with me.

After Periyar we went to Kochi. The bus took about 7 hours which was much longer than expected. In Kochi we spent 2 nights, although the first one we didn't check in until past midnight. The next day we got up quite late before taking a ferry to Fort Cochin in the afternoon. It felt like leaving India and entering a european market. There were lots of cool fishing nets all along the shore and a huge area full of stalls selling beads, clothes and necklasses on cobbled streets. Then as you walked back there were lots of european style buildings that the Lonely Planet informs me are under French and Portuguese influence. I really enjoyed seeing it and I'll put some pictures up when I have the time. We're gonna spend 4 or 5 days here before heding to North Goa, so I should have a bit more time available and it will be nice to get a break from travelling.

The longest journey so far was the 15 hour train I took yesterday from Kochi to Goa. I got a bit of sleep, but my main memory was how little food we ate and how absolutely filthy we all became. We arrived in Goa at 3am, some of us weren't up for sleeping rough (the people who had done it before) so we got a hotel at about 4am, and we got up about 2 pm today because we were so tired. That means I've lost track of time, it feels like it should be early - mid afternoon now, it's 7pm. We'll get over it I'm sure.

Not that much else to say, I'm just glad to settle somewhere for a little while, it's been pretty non stop since we left Varkala. I hope you're all well.



1st May 2007

Hi Rob! Sounds like you're having fun on your travels and doing lots of cool stuff. Can't wait to see the photos if you get time to post some, or of course loads of them when you get home! I have updated my blog in the meantime so you can see how the bump is progressing - it's getting quite big now, although it doesn't really look like it in the pictures! Anyway hope you have loads of fun in Goa and enjoy your clean clothes. xxx

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