Hong Kong Willy

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Asia » Hong Kong
December 8th 2006
Published: December 13th 2006
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Ok, so got a bit longer now to write this. Firstly, I can't believe the news about the Ipswich Ripper, we saw a big bit about it on the main news this morning, craziness.

I believe we'd just arrived in Hong Kong...

Well, we got off the plane we were obviously feeling a little shattered but wanted to make the most of our time in this city, so we decided on a half day tour which left us in the city with a train ticket back into the airport. Our guide, a little Hong Kong chap called Willy, who was quality, showing us sights such as the longest suspension in the world, the 4th tallest building in the world, the 3rd beautifullest natural harbour in the world (not sure how this was decided) and who also gave us an "interesting" rendition of Love me Tender!!!

Following the tour me and RC headed up to the Peak to check out the city from this fantastic viewpoint...and it was fantastic. Ben, Steve and Shel headed back to the airport as the lack of ZZZs was starting to catch up. Following the peak, we headed back to the airport and put our heads down in the departure lounge.

The flight out of Hong Kong had a disappointing lack of Scrambledash, but the Airbus 330 did seem more comfortable and when we landed in Perth I think most of us had managed a lot more sleep then on the first flight.


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