Hong Kong - The Lesser Travelled Roads

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Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island
July 16th 2008
Published: July 19th 2008
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The BuddhaThe BuddhaThe Buddha

The largest seated bronze Bhuddha in the world

No body had ever told me about the rural side to Hong Kong. All you ever tend to hear and see of Hong Kong is the skyscrapers of the island....but this place has so much more to offer. After my sherpas quite and returned to Ireland I came back to Hong Kong, but this time I went off the beaten track a little. I had got my head around the tube and ferry systems at this stage and felt I was ready for the task! My first stop was Lantau island. Although this is the island that the airport is on it is quite mountainous and away from the northern shores it has a realitively undiscovered side to it. I coaught the early morning ferry out from central on the main island and landed in a place called silvermine bay. From here I caught a local bus that headed along the southern shores and then uphill through the valley to a monestary called PO LIN. This place houses the...let me get this right....the worlds largest bronze seated Buddha. See it for yourself, its pretty impressive.
I would like to have explored the island a little further by time was against me so after alittle while I retraced my steps back to cantral and from there took the tube to another suberb where I caught another bus, but this time over the mountains to the souther side of Hong Kong Island itself and landed in a small little fishing village called Shek O. Shek O could be both a million miles and a million years from the bustling city just 20 minutes over the hills. It had a lovely )but busy) beach and a few quaint restaurants that were only a fraction of the price of the city ones.
As the night was drawing in, I caught the bus back over mountains to the west end of the city and jumped on the tram which brough me slowly back throught he streets of the city one last time, for tomorrow morning I was off to the airport and on to Thailand!

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29th July 2008

well aidan i like da picz!

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