Just Plain Crazy

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April 13th 2011
Published: April 13th 2011
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I could not find my handouts for my Oral English class today. So, I had to make up a lesson late night/early morning about discussing movies. As expected, it was a total hit.

My reading classes have become very boring. Students are starting to skip classes knowing that their grade is irrelevant and that attending 1/3 of the classes is sufficient to pass regardless of exam/test scores. This is partially my fault for not varying my lessons but also it's the fact that teaching reading classes is extremely boring. There's just no way around it. There's only so much creativity that you have in reading. It just doesn't work.

After class, I headed over to Miyagi's for some tea and volunteering. I got there around the same time CE Teacher-A got there. He invited his students to come to Miyagi's and about 20 of them arrived. A few of them spoke to me, but the guys did most of the talking to me. Talking to them was certainly more fulfilling than the college girls.

But there was one college girl there who fits the Crazy C-Girl template to a tee. She just wouldn't shut the fuck up. Look, I like people. Really, I do. But I mean this one was just spouting at the mouth like verbal diarrhea. I generally only talk about myself when somebody asks me a question (that happens a lot at Miyagi's). I might relate a story about myself if somebody is speaking to me, but I never interrupt when other people are talking and I try not to talk about things unrelated to the question asked.

But this one was already interested in dating me after less than 15 minutes of conversing. Literally, she asked me out about 10-15 minutes into a conversation. She told me about one of her most recent boyfriend (a foreign boyfriend), her family and friends without me even asking her about it. I tried to hint at disinterest by basically nodding along and saying "uh-huh" at the very rare pauses, but I guess subtlety is not popular here. Her English was quite bad. Given her personality and mediocre English skills, the only way I can see her getting a foreign boyfriend is if she is an absolute animal in the bedroom. As much as I would love to take that for a spin, I can imagine her being the type to send 100+ text messages per day and be quite vindictive about me spending time with other people. Crazy people aren't worth it imo.

I was able to sneak away from the craziness when a friend of CE Teacher-A came by. Apparently, he's starting to do some English presentations there on Wednesday. He is a very energetic, cool guy. Scary part is that he is louder and more over-the-top than I am with teaching. Didn't think that was possible. The students liked it.

The positive from him is that he is a video game fanatic. He gets the name VG Freak on this blog. He has a PS3, a shit-ton of games for it and up on all of the latest video game news. That officially makes him awesome in my book. He'll be there every Wednesday. Nice to have somebody to talk about video games with.

Eventually, I ran to catch the final bus home. I saw CE Teacher-A and Crazy C-Girl there. I slipped away from Crazy C-Girl and spoke with CE Teacher-A for a few minutes. The bus came by and it was packed. I booked over to it and squeezed on. Sadly, I left CE-A in the dust when I did that. It did get me away from Crazy, but leaving a new friend behind is uncool.

I got back to my apartment and America stopped me when I got to the second floor. He asked me why I sent him around 10 empty text messages. I didn't know what he was talking about until I looked at my phone and I saw that I had somehow did just that. I definitely didn't do it at Mr. Miyagi's. Somehow, my phone accidentally sent empty text messages to America. It was in my pocket and I guess it just kept bouncing against the same button. I don't know how it happened, but it did. I explained what happened and it was cool.

I then saw that I received 3 text messages from a Female Target that I met at Mai's two weeks ago. I got her age wrong the first time as I thought she was a recent uni grad. Really, she is 20 and attending a different university. I liked her and we exchanged numbers. We had good rapport going and was hoping to meet her some other time.

Turns out that I accidentally texted her over 10 times for the same reason I did so with America. I responded by text and called her once her phone wasn't busy. Now, I can't call a hot girl and say that it was an accident. That would be pretty hurtful. After all, one of her text messages was asking me to talk to her. Can't ignore something like that. So I said that I got a new phone and didn't know how to use it.

Because of my bullshit excuse, I had to pretend that I intended to contact her. She took my accidental texting as "fate" and that she was lucky to receive my messages. I don't know if her vocabulary was a bit off or if she meant it. I mean, her English is excellent and all but stating that this is fate is pretty extreme. I was flattered by it and ran with it. Somehow, this call ended up twisting into me asking if I could see her again at Mr. Mai's. She agreed.

The last time was a short chat and was her mostly asking me questions. I never said much to her. So, this could be a good opportunity for some more long-term female interaction. It would be interesting if she becomes more than just Female Target. C-Student D owes me a Chinese lesson tomorrow. So, I hope to get that done early so I can see her afterwards (assuming she shows). I don't want to kick C-Student D to the curb when she comes by.

The day ended with me calling CE Teacher-A and apologizing to him for ditching him at the bus stop. I felt bad for doing it, especially mid-conversation. The apology was accepted and we'll be seeing each other just to play basketball on Sunday, perhaps lunch on Monday. He's a cool guy in my book.

So tomorrow, I wake up for Metro. I want to price some digital cameras and buy some odds and ends. Got basketball and laundry/cleaning to do. The night will be capped off at Mr. Mai's.


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