CHINA: KUNMING...Left & lonesome when all I had was 1 yuan

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming
August 3rd 2012
Published: August 3rd 2012
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CHINA: KUNMING...Left & lonesome when all I had was 1 yuan. Being left behind is one thing...being left behind with only 1 yuan or 15 cents is another...40 kms from anywhere...being left behind at all...wouldn't do it to my worst enemy...certainly not to a friend...but so as not to miss out on calligraphy...that sucks! We flew from Beijing...across countryside that reminded me of crinkled al... Read Full Entry

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A replica of the Three Pagodas of Dali

4th August 2012

Man I sure know that feeling
First OS holiday back in 2000 and we got caught between Syria and Turkey without a Turkish Visa, no way of getting back to Syria and no usable money, (travel rule number 3, always carry US currency). We had a good hour of freaking out before a local got us out of the fix, but boy that one hour took a year out of my life. Reading your blog had me sweaty palmed remembering how things can go wrong so quickly and how panic sets in just as fast. As time goes by these stories are what travelling is all about, getting yourself out of your comfort zone. As always a great blog. Shelley and Scott
4th August 2012

Delighted you read my blog. I was concerned it may be too long...but if prepared to put in the time...I can take you on the ride. Was quite a pivotal event in my travel experiences...helped my belief I can do anything I put my mind to.
4th August 2012

Harrowing experience!
Great edge of my seat thriller, Dave--glad you made it back to tell the tale. As you say, it's making it through trials like this that teach us to trust. Once, when I was young, I had all my money stolen and had to hitchhike eight days with no money through Guatemala in the midst of cholera in the water and military patrols at sundown to get money in the capital. Now, I've traveling confidence galore and trust that I'll sail through or have a juicy story. It's in the attitude--and you've got a great one!
4th August 2012

"Now, I've traveling confidence galore and trust that I'll sail through or have a juicy story"...I'm with you there Tara...never a dull moment!
4th August 2012

smoking dog?
smoking i dare ask...did it have barking cough?
4th August 2012

"smoking i dare ask...did it have barking cough?"...Don't was too busy telling people's I was a "medium smoking dog"!
4th August 2012

Left & lonesome...
This is what happens when you don't take your wife with you! Oh! this is my mantra when travelling with you... "don't let david get into trouble don't let david get into trouble don't let david get into trouble" :-0
12th August 2012

Great blog Dave....and he's getting closer too :D
Well, I can see that you are gradually working your way into this part of the world, even if it does involve you getting picked up by the local constabulary! Hopefully you will end up on the shores of 'Nam before long. Looking at it, I think being left with 1 yuan is better than being left with 1 dong.....depending totally on your perspective that is.... Like you, when I see a 'No Photos' sign, I become completely immoral and start snapping away, I think it's the challenge of being caught that drives me, much like when I used to pinch my mum's gin and use it to power our sit on lawnmower. She used to keep the jerry can hidden away somewhere....I never did get that damned smell out of my clothes....
12th August 2012

1 YUAN -v- 1 DONG
Nick, If I only had 1 Dong...I'd be history...1 Yuan...saved my life!
13th August 2012

One good yarn
Hello - I'm only just catching up on my blog reading, so am a bit late sorry.... One lucky yuan and one great yarn! Loved this story, although I imagine panic stations at the time. All's well that ends well I guess....
13th August 2012

"One lucky yuan"...hadn't thought of it that way...but I will from now on...thanks for that!

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