So it begins in China

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June 23rd 2007
Published: June 23rd 2007
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The Peak Hong KongThe Peak Hong KongThe Peak Hong Kong

Micky standing atop of the Peak on Hong Kong Island
A couple of days have now past since my last e-mail and this should hopefully be the beginning of a new era in my travel diary. I arrived in Kunming yesterday after a quick trip back to Guiling and then an hours flight to Kunming the capital of the Yunnan Province. This city is huge but does lack lots of tourist things to see and do. Can't complain to much as this internet access has cost 2 Yuan (14p) for an hour and has a waiter keep coming round to topping up my tea. Went to a local market and also visited the green park to relax in the sun. This afternoon was taken up by taking a trip out to the Bamboo temple. Tonight I am taking a night train to Dali can't wait.


3rd July 2007

Hello from East Grinstead
Blimey looks like you're having a lovely time. Guess what it's rained here every day for last two weeks ! (We did not care as we were in spain. ) Keep smiling.

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